Always shocked by the hair and moles

Eleanora 2022-03-17 09:01:03

Preparation h is cream for ur asshole ? Medication His plan names. His dad didn't come, The janitor laughing. "I am a sexy beast" Haha Gold ? Member is slang for penis Goldmember? ? There's a bond movie called goldfinger, They did goldmember instead. Goldmember, it's the same actor again Austin and fat bastard and Dr evil lol "that's not right" ? He said he only hates 2 things People who are intolerant of other people's cultures. And the Dutch. Do u understand the joke ? No. He said he hates people who don't like other cultures. Then he said he hates the him too ? ? ♥️ ? Mole ? Bye. Mole! ? Word play again. U don't even have a name tag, you've got no chance ? Means ur nobody. Cast in a movie just to die. "did u just soil yourself?" (shit your pants) he said "maybe"? ? Sharks with lasers Not seabass lol The subtitles lol The fountain ? Horny bugger ? Poor mini me The joke was good. Do you have a little clone in you? She says no He said would you like to? ? He said horny lol Maybe ur subtitles were wrong ? U haven't laughed that hard since i was a little girl. Always shocked by the hair ha9 Spilling on him ? Yeh like I can say, do u have any English in u? (means English blood or heritage) and then I can say "would u like to?" means me in u, fucking u He said do u have a clone in u? Would you like to?lol That's why he said "horny bugger'This guys is a great rock singer too He's a bit broken cus of too many drugs Very rich and famous in the 70s 90s comedy.Do you have a little clone in you? She says no He said would you like to? ? He said horny lol Maybe ur subtitles were wrong ? U haven't laughed that hard since i was a little girl. Always shocked by the hair ha9 Spilling on him ? Yeh like I can say, do u have any English in u? (means English blood or heritage) and then I can say "would u like to?" means me in u, fucking u He said do u have a clone in u? Would you like to?lol That's why he said "horny bugger'This guys is a great rock singer too He's a bit broken cus of too many drugs Very rich and famous in the 70s 90s comedy.Do you have a little clone in you? She says no He said would you like to? ? He said horny lol Maybe ur subtitles were wrong ? U haven't laughed that hard since i was a little girl. Always shocked by the hair ha9 Spilling on him ? Yeh like I can say, do u have any English in u? (means English blood or heritage) and then I can say "would u like to?" means me in u, fucking u He said do u have a clone in u? Would you like to?lol That's why he said "horny bugger'This guys is a great rock singer too He's a bit broken cus of too many drugs Very rich and famous in the 70s 90s u have any English in u? (means English blood or heritage) and then I can say "would u like to?" means me in u, fucking u He said do u have a clone in u? Would you like to?lol That's why he said "horny bugger'This guys is a great rock singer too He's a bit broken cus of too many drugs Very rich and famous in the 70s 90s u have any English in u? (means English blood or heritage) and then I can say "would u like to?" means me in u, fucking u He said do u have a clone in u? Would you like to?lol That's why he said "horny bugger'This guys is a great rock singer too He's a bit broken cus of too many drugs Very rich and famous in the 70s 90s comedy.

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Austin Powers in Goldmember quotes

  • Fook Mi: [runs to Austin] Austin Powers! You're so great and so sexy!

    Austin Powers: Thanks, baby! Now what's your name?

    Fook Mi: Fook Mi!

    Austin Powers: Can you kiss your mother with that mouth?

    Fook Mi: No! Fook Mi! Like this!

    [turns away so Austin can see Fook Mi written on her bag]

    Austin Powers: Oh! Your name's Fook Mi!

    Fook Mi: Would you like a drink?

    [runs away to get drink]

    Austin Powers: Actually I have a private bar...

    [Fook Mi's twin sister, Fook Yu arrives]

    Fook Yu: Here you go!

    [gives him drink]

    Austin Powers: [thinking she's Fook Mi] Fook Mi, that was fast!

    Fook Yu: Fook Yu!

  • Austin Powers: Mr. Roboto is lying to us.

    Foxxy Cleopatra: Tell me something I don't know.

    Austin Powers: I open-mouth kissed a horse once.

    Foxxy Cleopatra: Say what?

    Austin Powers: That's something you don't know.