Subverted fairy tale elements

Lelia 2022-03-20 09:01:27

If it wasn't for a friend's recommendation, I might never have noticed this movie. I have always lacked interest in Disney. Although I was fascinated by Disney's Beauty and the Beast when I was young, I finally turned to Japanese animation. In my opinion, the most beautiful type.
Far too far, this time Disney is playing with fairy tale elements, such as the poisoned apple, the prince's kiss, and the crystal slipper. It feels very romantic in fairy tales, but it is "funny" in reality. Well, we finally believe that Magical Romance is actually It's a funny movie.
But the second half is not funny. After a series of farce of the prince looking for the princess, the vicious queen appeared and transformed into a high-rise building. At this time, the movie has developed to the beauty saving the hero. I looked at the corners of my mouth again and again, why didn't the queen catch the princess? Why didn't the queen just crush the princess to death, so as to save her from climbing up the high building and eventually being trampled by a chipmunk. Look, Disney actually subverts the traditional fairy tale elements too, just lame.
However, the ending struck me as abrupt, I didn't expect the prince to fall in love with another woman. At the end of the play, I suddenly realized that there is no so-called fairy tale, and no so-called dream, all people will be trapped by reality.

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Enchanted quotes

  • Robert: So, what's the deal with this prince of yours? How long you been together?

    Giselle: [wistfully] Oh, about a day.

    Robert: You mean it feels like a day because you're so in love.

    Giselle: No, it's been a day.

    Robert: You're kidding me. A day? One day?

    Giselle: Yes.

    [wistful again]

    Giselle: And tomorrow it will be two days.

    Robert: You're joking.

    Giselle: No. I'm not.

    Robert: Yeah, you are.

    Giselle: But I'm not.

    Robert: You're gonna marry somebody after a day? Because you fell in love with him?

    Giselle: Yes.


    Giselle: Yes!

    Robert: [laughs as she drags him away]

  • Giselle: What about you? How long have you known your Nancy?

    Robert: Uh, five years.

    Giselle: And you haven't proposed?

    Robert: Well, no, I...

    Giselle: Well no wonder she's angry.

    Robert: Well...