Analysis of "Black Hole" Pull Sheet

Lorna 2022-09-25 00:11:24

Analysis of "Black Hole" Pull Sheet

1. Sound: the sound of the printer running - the ambient sound of the office scene, the sound of the keys, the sound of the printer printing and other mechanical sounds. The mechanical, repetitive, and even oppressive frequency of the typewriter—reflects the boring, numb, mechanized, and walking dead daily life of the protagonist.

The sound of the black hole: warning, danger signal, strong shock; reaching out to test, repeatedly testing on the edge of the unknown and danger; the sound of the black hole is also the roar of desire, the greedy beast in the heart.

From the sound of a typewriter to the sound of a shredder at the end, it highlights the sound of the characters being swallowed and destroyed by desire, and under the temptation of desire, they are destroyed by industrial machines, society, and civilization.

Example: Against the backdrop of a large number of ambient sounds, the beast in the character's heart is awakened step by step, and the roar of desire will devour himself.

2. Tone: The style of deserted, indifferent, black and white simplicity, the disappearance of individuality, the embodiment of the living atmosphere of mechanized and homogeneous life, is also a daily scene in modern society.

Light: The early stage is a high-profile, boring and numb life, and there is no possibility of change; the latter becomes a low-key, the arrival of desire and ambition pulls the character's heart into darkness and breeds desire.

High profile: the repetitive, numb, boring state of life;

Low-key: the dark side of the heart, human nature is gradually swallowed by desire.

Example: The contrasting use of light creates a mechanized and homogenized illusion of life. Under the peep of the abyss of desire, the characters also turn black with the light.

3. Character: A lifeless workplace image who has lost faith in life, a dejected face with disgust, complaining, lifeless, and various dissatisfaction.

After obtaining food through the black hole, his expression became more vivid, his eyes revealed greed, and he peeped at the surrounding environment. Greater desire appeared and desire expanded.

In the face of black hole - desire, human nature becomes more greedy, crazy, irrational, and eventually leads to destruction. Into the black hole - into the abyss of desire, to be devoured and at the same time self-destructing.

Example: A character whose will has been wiped out by life has finally gone to self-destruction under the lure of the abyss of desire - the "black hole". The male protagonist in the film is a typical image in a typical modern capital society. The oppressed and overdrawn life allows the black hole to peep into the weakness of his human nature, and guide the character gradually to the abyss of desire in the inner gaze.

4. Black Hole: Caused by machine failure - failure of social machines, capital society, social rules, order, laws, etc.

The initial temptation is to pass through the vending machine through the black hole, get food, and get short-term, small satisfaction.

A black hole is a passage to human desires, amplifying human desires and ambitions, and gradually engulfing ourselves. Desires will devour everything, people's desires will never be satisfied, they will only continue to expand, and eventually devour everything.

Black Hole Perspective: When you are staring into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. - Nietzsche

Example: Black holes are like Pandora's Box. Once opened, the demon of desire lures people into the abyss of self-destruction.

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