to be the first

Daphney 2022-03-21 09:01:39

On the road of fighting for equality, there are violent, bloody, accusation, and warmth, and any form has made a contribution to the achievement of equal rights for black people today. This article is full of warmth and inspiration, and is based on a brisk tone. It shows the dilemma of black people at that time in a unique way. At the same time, it also tells the story of the three heroines fighting for their rights as women and people of color from a mild perspective. and status. They are forbearance, hard work, self-esteem and love for this country. They do not have extreme thoughts and emotions because of inequality, but use their strength to prove themselves and repay the country. It is very suitable as an educational film for teenagers.

What impressed me the most was the speech of the second woman in court, to be the first. There is always a first person in everything. The people are the creators of history. There are countless firsts and invisible promoters of social progress. We must have the courage to be the first.

At the end of the film, the prototypes of the characters are given, which makes me feel that heroism is around me, and the power conveyed by the film is more real and powerful. If you can't be the first in the world, then be the first in the country, or the first in the field, or be the first in yourself, and constantly challenge yourself without setting limits for yourself.

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Hidden Figures quotes

  • Mary Jackson: We go from being our father's daughters, to our husband's wives to our babies' mothers...

  • Katherine Johnson: How can you be possibly ogling these white men?

    Mary Jackson: It's equal rights. I have the right to see fine in every color