Monsters have feelings, do people?

Percival 2022-03-22 09:01:46

Just downloaded and watched it on the train, I feel that foreigners always like to make these films that conquer everything, but from the film alone, I am often moved to cry by the eyes of the two monsters. When Godzilla let go of King Kong, I knew them It’s about an alliance, how can there be any real enemies? The real enemies are always those who do the trick. I don’t know what to write about. I can only analyze it from the micro level. We dare not say it at the macro level. Talking about technology, I think it sounds good. Although it always says two yuan special effects, it is art when used properly, and two yuan special effects when it is not used properly.

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Godzilla vs. Kong quotes

  • Kong: [signing] Home. Home.

  • Ilene Andrews: [signing] Tell him there may be others like him down there.

    Jia: Family?

    Ilene Andrews: I don't know. I hope so.