The director is very daring to shoot, this is a clear indication of the reality of the United States

Marcelino 2022-11-07 07:05:35

The director is also very daring to shoot, and directly expresses that the US Emperor ZF and JHS will take lives. Where are the drug dealers? It's just that the US imperialist financial empire looted poor countries, the military empire oppressed poor countries, and forced the people to grow drugs because of the secret support and guidance of the US imperialists, all of which are justice on the lips, and actual "washing"! Not the Indians of the new era, the movie also filmed a clip of people in poor countries daring to organize themselves against the military invasion of the US imperialists, just like the Boxer Rebellion in the real world against the Eight-Power Allied Forces. The U.S. imperial people are also quite miserable. The U.S. imperialist ZF and JHS have acted recklessly, and the American soldiers have long been dissatisfied. Without real justice and moral action, they can only fail in the end.

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