A crap suicidal journey

Toy 2022-03-19 09:01:03

"City Hero". 7 points. Also translated "Storm of Fury". Michael Douglas starred in his early years. The story is very simple, even a little boring. Simply put, it is a path of self-destruction. Michael's bastard works hard, but was fired a month ago. The car was blocked on the road, and he abandoned the car in a rage. He went to the convenience store to change the change and was forced to spend it at the price. Then he was harassed and retaliated by the gangster, and inexplicably grabbed a bag of weapons, so Michael carried the bag. Weapon begins a suicide journey. This is an infuriating story, one-sided but true reflection of the social problems that the United States encountered at that time.

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Falling Down quotes

  • Captain Yardley: Lot of good cops want to drop the whole kit and caboodle. And who wouldn't? The pay stinks and your up to your ears in human scum sixteen hours a day.

  • Detective Keene: [Prendergast is turning down a stripper party to chase D-FENS] Jesus, Prendergast, what's your fucking problem? Are you afraid of women, too?

    Detective Lydecker: I don't blame him... have you ever met his wife?

    [Stunned silence]

    Sergeant Prendergast: What did you say?

    Detective Lydecker: [Sheepishly] What?

    Sergeant Prendergast: What did you say?

    Detective Lydecker: [Acting coy] Nothin'.

    Sandra: Prendergast, we don't have time for this!

    Sergeant Prendergast: Yeah, you're right!

    [Punches Lydecker and leaves the room]