female shame in sex

Dandre 2022-03-01 08:01:19

What shame? What does the word shame mean? Shame or shame? Shame for being shamed, or shame for being shamed?

Men in civilized society are at the top of the whole society. The male protagonist Lurie is a university professor. He has knowledge, culture, status, and power. In his cognition, he believes that desire is the embodiment of vitality, so shame is to suppress his own desire, shame. It is disloyalty to self and submission to social morality and submission to professional norms and institutions. Therefore, he did not think it was wrong to use authority to use the unequal temptation of status or even coerce students into submission, and he did not admit his fault in the face of the college's interrogation. He didn't even think it was a shame, and even used a romantic poetic to beautify it. His contempt for social morality and arrogance for professional ethics is a kind of hypocrisy that combines intellectuals and greasy old men, and it is also the typical arrogance of men in civilized society. All desires can be covered up with a gorgeous rhetoric, All arrogance can be concealed with a kind of self-deceiving contempt.

And the female students who suffered from shame started from ignorance of rejection and fear, and later developed a strong sense of humiliation in their hearts, and suffered from physical and psychological shame at the same time. This kind of shame is believed to be unacceptable to men. These sexual harassment and sexual assaults from all walks of life that broke out under the current ME TOO movement can be seen. If the experience of the heroine of the film is put on the current Internet, she will definitely be questioned and insulted from all quarters. For example, why the heroine is unwilling to go to the professor's house, the professor did not threaten her with her studies, and it is very happy to chat with the professor. During the process, I didn't see her resisting, she was just a green tea bitch, a scheming bitch, and so on. How many women face this unspeakable humiliation, worrying about the re-injury of public speech, and burying the humiliation in their hearts, mutilating and affecting their lives. If you don't understand that people will feel worried, fearful, evasive, unbelievable, and humiliated when facing people of unequal status, then how can you say that you feel empathy, and you can't expect such people to understand.

As for the boyfriend of the female student, he is also helpless about the shame his girlfriend suffered. He can only scare the other party in words and body, and he has no idea how to punish the other party. Therefore, in a civilized society, even if you are a male, if you are at the bottom of power, status, and class, you are still a weak and powerless person.

The civilized and backward society is a wild animal world that advocates the strong prey of the weak. Whoever can beat the other is the upper class, whoever has more people is the king, so the weak are women and old and weak men. Lurie's daughter bears the brunt of the burden. A woman who is alone is the most likely to be deceived. The land is purposefully occupied, rape is designed, and you are forced to sign and sign to become a certain man's wife and concubine accessory to ensure temporary safety. In a civilized society, Lurie, who is disdainful of morality and arrogance, has also been reduced to a weak person here. In a white society, you look down on black people, but here it is a sin to be old and infirm, and Lurie can't protect his daughter at all. In a civilized society, the police system that is relied on to represent fairness is even more dysfunctional. What is the law, physical fitness and family are kings, so you can only be speechless when you are nakedly bullied. What is the shame of wildlife society? Shame is the physical backwardness, shame is the cowardice that is powerless to resist, and shame is the helplessness of being bullied.

The two seemingly completely different societies are actually one kind of society. Both are societies in which the strong eat the weak and the top squeeze the bottom, and the strong occupy the weak. And who can be the strong one? Only men are qualified to compete. In both societies, women are sexual resources, they are the bottom, and they are the first to be oppressed. In a civilized society, Lurie has the right to use young girls, but in a backward primitive society, Lurie is only worthy of an old woman, and an uneducated black man he despises is qualified to have a young girl—his daughter . As he lay on the ground with the old woman, I thought Lurie might have fully realized his guilt. Perhaps only at this moment did Lurie realize that he was the same as the black hired hand, the same savage and cruel. Women, on the other hand, have no change in their roles in the two societies. They are the same vulnerable group, they are suppressed by men, and they need protection from men.

So what is civilization to humans? In fact, it's just a fig leaf, and the law of the weak is the truth. What is shame? Shame for a man is not being able to beat another man. For women, the stigma is gender itself.

So, why be ashamed? Men are ashamed of being ashamed, women are ashamed of being ashamed.

To be honest, I didn't think too much when I watched it, but after reading it, I was very heartbroken. This kind of humiliation, as a woman, feels the same. This kind of humiliation, I have seen and felt too much since I was a child, or it happened to me, or happened to the women around me. The Me too movement is the nascent era of female consciousness, but if you think about it carefully, maybe it is just the era of sparks, because the road ahead is so difficult that you are not very hopeful about the future.

I hope that girls in the future can be as free as human beings and no longer be ashamed of shame.

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Disgrace quotes

  • Petrus: You say it is bad what happened. I also say it is bad, but now it is finished.

    Professor David Lurie: It's not finished. It will go on long after I'm dead and you're dead.

  • Professor David Lurie: How humiliating, to invite this.

    Lucy: Yes, I agree.

    Professor David Lurie: Like a dog.

    Lucy: Yes, like a dog.