Let the storm come more violently~

Jarvis 2022-09-05 23:27:04

Whether you sing or whisper in front of the mirror, as long as the words "sweetheart" are repeated five times, you can usher in the favor of Candyman - a painful death. The source of the horror story is a very important point. Poor planning will greatly affect the look and feel. This film combines silhouette art with a large amount of space to describe the miserable man, which can be said to be quite successful. The world in the mirror has always been mysterious and unpredictable, especially most people have fantasized about something suddenly rushing out of it, so when they saw the image with the hook, their thinking jumped to the work "Monster Street" for a moment. , but that guy was creating surprises in his dreams, so that people didn't even dare to sleep. The male protagonist's bizarre background and the influence of the curse succeeded in inheriting Candyman's killing mission. This way of inheriting the lineage is very beneficial for the spread of the sequel. It's just that everyone has a heart, and one generation is yyds to me. In fact, after reading it, I really don't feel scary, but I really look forward to when, where, and how the BOSS will appear, especially those guys who are dying, repeating the summons over and over again in their mouths are well deserved. The overall evaluation is that it is over without watching it...

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Candyman quotes

  • [last lines]

    Candyman: Tell everyone.

  • Troy Cartwright: Black people don't need to be summoning shit.