Some nonsense and thoughts

Keith 2022-01-25 08:03:26

If you have to superficially evaluate this movie, it is aimed at the appearance of the protagonists and everyone has the character of daring to love and hate that Asians lack, and the funny conflicts in the happy ending movie that I love to see. My superficial side If I have a deep evaluation of this movie, I will also score 10 because I lacked this experience in my growing up. Although I have experienced so-called malicious attacks and slander from the same sex, I did not put it down completely like the movie. Or reconcile with myself and reconcile with mean girls. Sometimes I feel relieved. Sometimes I even think about Maybe I'm the one who'o unique? So when I was in the second year of high school, I would be treated differently, but sometimes when I encountered annoying things, I would feel the same as the heroine in the drama. I think shit. This feeling comes again. Every time I encounter a situation that I can’t solve, I want to vomit. I really hope that I can reconcile with the world like in the movie and get a handsome boy. There is a 1handsome boy) in the comments that the Americans are not as good as East Asians. This is also incapable of admitting that such a subject would be adult sex movies and thrillers. More than ten years ago, America, which was three-point arrogant, three-point funny, four-point cured, and the heroines in the movie were all normal and good-looking. They are not as shit and thin as they are now.

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After watching this movie, I went to the European and American entertainment group to search for Lindsay Lohan. I didn't expect her adult life to be so chaotic, drug addict, drunk and casual sex. . . . . . I feel so far away from my life every item is unreasonable and unbelievable, but the female intuition tells me that Lindsay is really not the kind of scheming and aggressive person, especially seeing her and Hilton. Sitting in the car with Britney Spears and being photographed by paparazzi, I feel that the three souls of life are so alike. . . . . Although the comments are jokingly saying that this is a bad girls combination, it is a bit appropriate, but in a sense this is also a spirit broken combination!

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Mean Girls quotes

  • Damian: [reading Cady's class schedule] Health, Spanish... you're taking 12th Grade Calculus?

    Cady: Yeah, I like math.

    Damian: Eww. Why?

    Cady: Because it's the same in every country.

    Damian: That's beautiful.

    [to Janis]

    Damian: This girl is deep.

  • Janis: [to the female student body] Okay, yeah. I've got an apology. So, I have this friend who is a new student this year. And I convinced her that it would be fun to mess up Regina George's life. So I had her pretend to be friends with Regina, and then she would come to my house after and we would just laugh about all the dumb stuff Regina said. And we gave these candy bar things that would make her gain weight, and then we turned her best friends against her. And then... Oh yeah, Cady - you know my friend Cady? She made out with her boyfriend, and we convinced him to break up with her. Oh, God, and we gave her foot cream instead of face wash.

    [to Regina]

    Janis: God! I am so sorry Regina. Really, I don't know why I did this. I guess it's probably because I've got a big *lesbian* crush on you! Suck on *that*! AY-YI-YI-YI-YI-YI!