Song of Democracy and Freedom

Marcellus 2022-03-21 09:01:47

If their stories were written into history, perhaps there would be a sentence like this, during the Vietnam War, seven anti-war activists marched in Chicago and were arrested. Known as the Chicago Seven.

Abraham Lincoln once said something like this: If the democratic system of this country is corrupted, then the people exercise the power of revolution to subvert the system.

The film retains the director's usual high-speed dialogue style, with climaxes after another, every sentence is heart-wrenching, fluttering and immortal, which is addicting. The lines reveal respect for freedom and contempt for power to oppress freedom. The main creative team controls the rhythm. And the clips of the story are amazing.

The message conveyed in the film is like a hymn in depression and depression, which makes people feel refreshed and awe-inspiring!

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Extended Reading

The Trial of the Chicago 7 quotes

  • Ramsey Clark: I'm in private practice now, and if John Mitchell wants to cut me in half, he can and he will.

    Tom Hayden: You have to find some... Sir, you have to find some courage now.

    Ramsey Clark: Find some courage? Yeah.

    Tom Hayden: Yes. You have to find some courage, and...

    Leonard Weinglass: [silencing him] Tom.

    Ramsey Clark: [points at Kelly and Ackerman] That's what those two men came to tell me, that if John Mitchell wants to cut me in half, he can and he will. So I wanted them in the room when I said 'When do you want me in court?'

    Howard Ackerman: [standing in surprise] Mr. Clark?

    William Kunstler: I'm sorry?

    Ramsey Clark: Swear me in, Bill.

    Howard Ackerman: It is against the law for you to testify, Ramsey. It is as simple as that.

    Ramsey Clark: It's General Clark. And arrest me or shut the fuck up.

    Ramsey Clark: [turns to Hayden] Found some.

  • Abbie Hoffman: You think we were responsible?

    Richard Schultz: I think you got the result you were looking for.

    Abbie Hoffman: So did Nixon.

    Richard Schultz: How about that.