Top work in the time travel category

Viviane 2022-12-11 15:36:46

I have to blow up Diablo, and set the structure more exquisitely than any time-telling work I have seen so far.

Different from the butterfly effect and the linear jump of the stone gate, and also different from the single ring structure of horror cruise ship, like you, and creed, Diablo is a multi-ring time structure of double (three) world symmetry + quantum superposition state.

The linear structure is characterized by the first cause and effect. Changing the cause will change the effect. However, since the time jumps from point to point, unpredictable results will appear after changing the cause. Generally, the time-traveling works of linear structure are based on " The unknown of “fruit” promotes the plot.

The biggest feature of the circular time structure is that it is mutual cause and effect. In order to change the “effect”, the “cause” is changed, but it is precisely because of this action that the “effect” you know is promoted, as if everything is a cycle.

The mother gave birth to a daughter, and then the daughter gave birth to a mother. So is there a mother or a daughter first? Did the chicken or the egg come first?

We know the future, and then continue to work hard to change the future, but it is precisely because of everything we do that contribute to that fixed future. So is our choice based on our free will or the manipulation of time?

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