magical love

Al 2022-11-14 06:27:12

The first impression was the male lead who delivered the milk, with a not-so-handsome stubble face, a black falcon standing on his shoulder, a big umbrella in one hand, and the man who rode through the hail of bullets to deliver milk like no one else. On the way, I feel that he is the silent version of Don Quixote.

There are too many metaphors in the film, the soundtrack is unexpectedly witty, and the catastrophe on the front line of life and death is not too sad. In fact, when the men and women in the middle escape, it is not as good as both being shot to death, but the female protagonist in the back is killed by a landmine. It fulfilled the infatuation that the male protagonist had buried for fifteen years at the end. The reason why she didn't choose to disappear with her loved one on the spot is to commemorate this love and to commemorate her.

The female protagonist's face contour is sexy and I will fall in love with her madly. I just don’t understand why the landmine pasture where the heroine Xiang Xiaoyu died is covered with stones instead of other things, such as balloons, candles, pumpkins, etc. It’s probably like Liu Lanzhi in Peacock Flying Southeast” The lord is like a rock, the concubine is like a pampa reed, the pampa reed is like silk, and the rock does not move.”

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