
Kaylah 2022-03-22 09:01:34

I look numb, and I don't even know how to vomit.

The new phase of Marvel is lost in the contradiction between the larger world view and pattern and the stereotyped representation, and cannot establish an ideology that satisfies the audience and is consistent with this world view.

When Black Widow is "tired of logging", Falcon is trapped in racial issues, and female loki takes "freewill" as her responsibility, Marvel completely falls into the cliché. Once Marvel's winning ways are gorgeous and cool motion visual effects and the crispness of team-fighting bosses, this set is simple but effective to play. Now I want to play with the values ​​of the deep world view, and I will tear my eggs into pieces with a big step.

In the case of forced transformation but no success, on the one hand, the basic fan base attracted by the love for the older generation of superhero characters will be lost, and on the other hand, it will be criticized by the literary and art circles because of its flawed values.

As for the consistent logic problems and lack of institutional details, it is a cliché.

To this, I just want to say: Aman, the road is getting narrower and narrower!

If the follow-up works are still at this level, then Marvel's collapse is inevitable.

PS: Marvel DC seems to be imitating each other now, but they are learning more and more

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.