Loki, still hasn't escaped the fate of being a lead role in ten years

Tiara 2022-03-22 09:01:34

A Loki's poisonous only is not comprehensive, he excites his words too much, communicates with empathy, and does not enter into disgust.

Really disappointed.

I really watched a Loki spin-off with complex humanity + divinity + magic, right? I didn’t know that I thought I clicked into the sylvie special. It seems that Marvel really intends to use two seasons and 12 episodes for Loki After the cosmology paved the way, Loki is finally a vaguely set accessory, a role that Marvel uses as a lead. And it can be called the power of OOC in the play.

Loki, a three-part Thor + four-part Avengers is acting as a non-completely positive role, the god of tricks, in his own single-player drama, he easily gave his trust to his sexuality, not to mention the opening clearly explained the plot time The line is closely following the Avengers 1, so may I ask if the previous suspicions and calculations of others have been fed to the dog, the compromise is clear and clear, and I can't help it when I see the sex twist. This love is like a tornado. I don't even know how to complain. There is no point to support the development of love. Could it be Sylvie's tragic life experience? Or is it really a sense of the common "Loki" soul? Don't ask, it's just that the two frost giants are afraid of the cold. In the six-hour plot, Loki gave Mobius his trust on TVA, Sylvie on the timeline, and even the ending was short-lived. I didn't understand it, but I was blown away.

The cosmic lizard was beheaded and the wires leaked out, no matter how stupid people know that this is a scam. Someone is teasing you with a remote control toy, so as of now, everything in tva in front of Loki is facing the possibility of being overturned. Can he have no doubts about all his life experiences and his own ending from the stories of the employees, the search for information, the viewing of the videotapes? All of this has been proved to be an illusion. Can Sylvie really be her own sexual reincarnation, is it really a parallel cosmology? I am under control and travel through the timeline, who can guarantee that it is not a magic trick? In my opinion, with Loki's character, even if I believed it a little before, I should be vigilant now, instead of being awkward and wanting to confess that I was cut.

Old Loki, who is most in line with Nordic mythology + comics, sacrificed after rubbing Asgard with his hands, and Sylvie succeeded in possessing a small boss in the next second. It's really that the special effects are too expensive to support. The plot needs to be understood. Old Loki is such a good setting, so full, so attractive, even if he lives in rags, he will always have the most devout faith, always believe in the power of magic, this is the number one mage in the Nine Realms, and Not a comedic character who can only play knives and beatings.

The characters created in ten years have gradually deviated from the original character from the Shakespeare-style tragic role of Lei 1 and the villain of Avengers 1 (at the same time is the promoter of Avengers), becoming the comedy of Lei 3 and paving the way for Avengers 3. The victim, Loki went from an unfortunate prince to a truly unfortunate character. The number one mage in the Nine Realms, after ten years, has finally become a real joke.

More and more I can't understand Marvel's setting of Loki's character and episodes, but at present, it seems that my little prince who is lonely, conceited, elegant, noble, extreme, gloomy, crazy, scheming, desperately eager for recognition, not coming.

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.