Marvel is dead

Timothy 2022-03-22 09:01:34

(The following small composition is a passionate insult, very irrational, iMarvels do not read it.)

Marvel is dead.

It sends a character to our hearts, we like him, cherish him, love him. Then it killed him.

I have watched MCU for 10 years, and I have endured it for 10 years. After all, everyone knows its virtues. This time I really can't bear it.

The ghost knows how much we look forward to Loki's independent drama. When I heard the news when I was a child, it was almost the same as the Chinese New Year. That hope can be listed as one of the reasons for living.

And then it gave me such a mess.

In such a drama called Rocky, as the absolute center, the so-called big hero, he did not play any role in promoting the plot, and it was not enough to delete the entire plot line. Basically unaffected. He is a foil, a follower, a tool person, and a fool who carries a sedan chair for the original heroine.

Have you ever seen this phenomenon on any other show? I don't have it anyway. It's just so shocking, unbelievable.

The only reason that can be explained is that Marvel doesn't like this character, and he was forced to launch the series because of his popularity to destroy his prestige. The only explanation is that Mr. Shake slept with the wife of a high-level Marvel executive, and his son's DNA test found that it was not his own. He gritted his teeth with hatred and must not let him exude handsome charm and frantically cut down the highlights.

Yes, I think it's just hate, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

What should I do to destroy an image?

Make him an evil villain? No, who doesn't like a handsome devil. Said he was scheming and even murderous? No, that would only make him more capable. Said he was a mad critic who did whatever he wanted? sorry, so some people will even kneel down and worship him.

Breaking him down, of course, will make him a pitiful creature, a small child with shadows of childhood, a hapless bastard who is at the mercy of others, a weak chicken who is at the mercy of others but unable to resist.

And that's the Loki of the film. They didn't let him die in the show, they wanted to actually kill him.

Who is Loki? He is a god who has lived for thousands of years and is the number one mage in the Nine Realms. Even if he has never been able to win one-tenth of the special effects of the legendary history, he can also compete head-to-head with Team Thor in the past MCU movies. Likewise, it takes a long, long time to walk into him and hug him, even his brother and love have a hard time doing it.

As a common person on earth who is also a Sagittarius, I will not even show my vulnerable side in front of people close to me, let alone a stranger I just met, let alone with him. If someone suddenly peered into his heart and asked him to admit defeat and expose his scars, it would only irritate him. Even made him crazy.

In the episode "Belonging to Him", this god can't even fight the earth's common man, and the level of magic is limited to conjuring. A god who has seen life, old age, sickness and death will be defeated by a video, a liar expert will be moved by a speech and even change his temperament, and an old fritter who is used to being swayed by both sexes will fall in love like a 13-year-old virgin.

middle finger.jpg

This film creates a grand setting, but the story is childish in the style of Disney fairy tales. Dragon Quest finally broke into Castlevania. The way of thinking and behavior of people in fairy tales is also naive and childlike. Everyone thinks about problems in a single thread without turning, let alone the various concerns and thoughts of adults.

"If you don't take time to paint the country, it's always difficult to write about the top talent." The all-knowing and omnipotent organization that is in charge of the fate of all beings in the entire universe, but its employees are all ordinary earthlings. What a huge and complicated personnel structure and management level, but everything is very simple, and the staff are very mentally retarded. why? The writers can't even give a patch.

And in such a high-dimensional institution that humans can't even imagine, there are no other cosmic creatures except humans. You must know that there are two trillion galaxies (not stars) that can be observed in the universe. And all the settings of this organization and the final boss are also limited to the European and American civilizations on the earth.

I chalk it up to arrogance. Indeed, they can only see so much, they can only make up so much, and they don't even have the setting that "the appearance of this institution will be shaped according to your spiritual thoughts".

That's arrogance, they don't care, they just mess around. Anyway, everything is paving the way for the big heroine and the follow-up movies.

This big heroine, the only woman in the 108 Loki, has nothing to do with Loki's character image.

Her performance was so forceful and rigid, very much like catching a late female dean at school, a stern female spy of the enemy army, which made me tremble with fear. I feel that when I fall in love with her, I will be punished for standing because my waist is not straight enough when kissing, and even Zuo Ai will be measured with a ruler and kicked out of bed because a few are not straight enough. Of course, Loki in this film is a 13-year-old innocent virgin, how can he be left in love.

With the innocent expression of a 13-year-old virgin, Teacher Shake stared affectionately, and the one he stared at was like a green plastic foam ball that was only used to remind the actors of the location for the convenience of post-production.

It is such a great dean and bubble ball that drives the plot of the show and captures all the highlights. I'm not a dream girl, and I don't have any cp cleanliness, but I really can't stand it. The sharp eyes of the dean seem to be staring at me at any time and throw the chalk at me. I'm so scared.

The film's most successful characters are a crocodile and a (I hadn't noticed before) frog, and the crocodile and the frog deserve the show's only star. (Old Loki is, in my opinion, a homage to the original without sincerity and skill, nothing to praise.)

Under the huge setting, so many stories could have been born, and the soul, thought, and magic fantasy could have been shuttled from heaven to earth, but they gave him nothing. The imagination is even more limited than the beagle raised by 10,000 Internet writers.

The screenwriter successfully used the results to push the plot backwards, and then arranged all the seemingly non-existent plots on the heroine, and then took away everything that belonged to Loki, including his clothing and helmet. Dog Marvel you succeeded, now Loki's Tool Man mission is over. Your Ant-Man Doctor Strange can continue filming. Your new heroine has also launched.

He is nothing and nothing. Well, you can give him back to me, right?

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.