To fear, to forgive

Daphney 2022-01-27 08:03:27


Knowing that it will fail, but still doing it, this is what Hubble Lee called courage. Fifteen years ago I saw John Huston's "Genesis" and it was very disappointing, he was trying to get the shock of the image in the literal translation of the Bible. However, because the subject matter was too grand and the attempt was too simple, it was a complete failure. I was laughed at by the young me.

And this good film with famous director and famous star introduces a giant (Samyaza) and an enemy, connecting the myth of creation with the confusion of the post-industrial age (The end of beginning), which has produced a powerful substitution. feel.

You must know that in Genesis, Noah's original record is only one page. An impossible task.

There are several questions that they have always affected the audience: First, why destroy human beings? Second, why did you choose Noah? Third, do you want to spare the lives of your two granddaughters?


In biblical origins, human sin begins when Cain kills his brother. Cain means gain in English. For the sake of gain, for profit, he killed his younger brother.

As a religious film, it cannot but reflect the Seven Deadly Sins. And through the faces of a large number of Cain's descendants, we see greed, vendetta, and pride. The movie didn't say anything, and it performed very well.

It's just that they added an original sin to innocent Noah - murder. The movie has Noah kill the evil humans trying to get on the ark. It was also arranged that at the end of the movie, he was alone in seclusion.

But the Bible says that the record here was recorded by the descendants of Noah, and that he was a righteous man who walked with God, there is nothing to blame. This alone explains why God chose Noah. And the movie says, because Noah has compassion.

The movie portrays the concept of redemption very well. The Tree of Good and Evil was also designed as the tree of connection in the Garden of Eden, and the serpent was designed as a fetish for shedding its skin. In the Great Migration, snakes are also specifically mentioned, in addition to birds and beasts. The Bible makes it clear that snakes are the most cunning of all animals. 3

Bible. Proverbs

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,

but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

2for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight;

3for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what right and just and fair;

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Extended Reading

Noah quotes

  • Noah: We have been entrusted with a task much greater than our own desires.

  • Tubal-cain: [He moves face-to-face] Miracles of deluge you claim. Perhaps you're right. Perhaps he returns to finish us off. But if he does, my men and I will ride the storm in that stronghold of yours.

    Noah: Your time is done. There is no escape for you.

    [Noah walks away leading Ham with him]

    Tubal-cain: [Loud] I'm not afraid of miracles son of Lamech. If you are to refuse my dozens now, I shall return with legions!