inelegant vampire

Sammy 2022-03-19 09:01:04

Among all kinds of terrifying creatures, most of them give the impression of low-level violent animals with only brute force but no IQ. They eat human flesh, drink human blood, open their stomachs, knock their bones and suck their marrow. But vampires are different. They are nobles among monsters. They should be wearing black cloaks, raised collars, and shiny leather boots. After inviting you to dance a waltz, they elegantly pierce their slender fangs. Enter the carotid artery of the prey and taste this delicious nectar.
So vampires should be dark, not pale, even if their complexion is different from that of humans. Coupled with the original bloody chin, these species that can sleep in the castle for hundreds of years are made like ignorant children who don't know how to wipe their mouths after eating.
I hate movies where most of the scenes take place at night, because the scenes in the dark make it difficult for people to see the characters clearly, and I despise the whole movie watching. Therefore, I also know from the title of the film that the director will justifiably give me a visual torture with a black background from beginning to end.
At the beginning of the film, it is not too clear what the purpose of the vampires is. They seem to have waited for years and here is why. What's the reason for Eben and Stella's separation. What about the phone that burned in the beginning?
The movie has always shown how a group of people escaped, with almost no resistance, and occasionally only hurt their skin. Eben's sacrifice at the end was a bright spot, but the subsequent one-on-one fight to kill the boss was somewhat unconvincing.
Josh Hartnett is getting more and more manly, and it's not the same as in Pearl Harbor. But thinking about the vampires he played after Kate Beckinsale, who co-starred with him in "Pearl Harbor" at that time, made people even more disappointed by the group of ugly people in it.

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30 Days of Night quotes

  • Stella Oleson: I should have fought harder, kept Wilson here.

    Sheriff Eben Oleson: It's hard to stop someone when their family's at stake. The things you'll do to save your own.

    Stella Oleson: We were like that once... weren't we?

  • Sheriff Eben Oleson: [upon finding Beau working on his truck] Got a problem?

    Beau Brower: Nothing I can't handle my own fucking self.

    [Eben sees oil leaking from his truck]

    Sheriff Eben Oleson: This for generators?

    Beau Brower: Yeah. Yeah, mostly.

    Sheriff Eben Oleson: Well, Beau, I'm going to have to cite you for it. I can't have it leaking all over the street.

    Beau Brower: What? For that? You don't... you don't have to cite me. You don't have to do anything. Isn't that why we live out here? You know, for a little freedom?

    Sheriff Eben Oleson: [handing Beau the citation] Happy motoring.