The writing is really not that good, so I had to move it.

Bertha 2022-03-20 09:01:33

It's really well written, I don't know if I always think OOC, is it too young for people like Loki's set collapse? Don't you understand that this is a theme that fights against a tragic fate? To be good is to die, and to be evil is to be a stepping stone for heroes. Didn't TVA Loki point it out in the first episode? He didn't really escape from Avengers 1, he just went to another world where he can't help himself, and from another world to the void, it's not a good place, parents are not around, there is no magic, my favorite The universe Rubik's cube can only be used as a paperweight, how else can he do evil? Is stabbing a knife in the back of Lao Mo and female Loki in line with the human design?

Do you feel embarrassed to see the male and female Rocky cherish each other, who are the same people in the end of the world, snuggling together to keep warm, holding hands in the face of difficulties? If you can't help yourself, who else can help you? Do you understand the floating gender, men and women are not all themselves? If that's really love, it's also a happy moment in the main timeline that Loki has never felt in his life. It's one of the most memorable things in life.

Last but not least, Disney princesses don’t have mothers, and Marvel heroes don’t have homes. If you really don’t get close, you will become unfortunate. What I want to see is a male Rocky and a female Rocky giving birth to a litter of baby Rockies, endlessly.

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.