
Garfield 2022-03-21 09:01:17

When Royal Tenenbaum was 45 years old, the couple separated, he went to the hotel alone, and his wife Etheline, who raised the children alone, put all the emphasis on the cultivation of children's talents. Living up to expectations, all three of their children are geniuses, and she wrote a book based on it - "Genius Family". The eldest son, Chas, has been strategizing business strategies when he was 12 years old, and he has purchased real estate in junior high school. He has an extraordinary understanding of finance. The second daughter, Margot, was adopted when she was two years old. This topic was talked about by her father for life, so that Matgot was a little nervous. The talented playwright won the Warrior Award at the age of 9. Richie has been a champion tennis player since the third grade. He likes to form bands and collect models of cars and paintings. He turned pro at the age of 17 and won the U.S. Open for three consecutive years. Time flies, parents have been separated for the past 20 years, three gifted children have grown up, Chas has been living with two children in a panic after losing his wife in a plane crash, and Matgot has been locked in the bathroom all day without talking to her husband for 9 years. With no new script coming out, Richie prepares for a year-long voyage at sea. It was all interrupted by a sudden announcement from Royal: He had cancer with only six weeks to live, and he wanted to spend the last time with his family. This day, the genius family reunited again, and interesting things happened one after another.

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Extended Reading

The Royal Tenenbaums quotes

  • Richie: Read it back to me so far, Pietro.

    Cote d'Ivoire Radio Operator: [speaks with an Italian accent, his words are shown in subtitles] "Dear Eli, I'm in the middle of the ocean. I haven't left my room in four days. I've never been more lonely in my life, and I think I'm in love with Margot."

    Richie: New paragraph.

  • [During a war game with BB guns]

    Royal: [on top of a roof, aiming at Chas] Hold it Chassie. Hold it right there.

    Young Chas Tenenbaum: What are you doing? You're on my team!

    Royal: Ha-ha! There are no teams!

    [he shoots at Chas, hitting his hand. Chas screams in pain and shoots back at him. Royal laughs as he ducks out of the way]

    Narrator: The BB was still lodged between two knuckles in Chas's left hand.