Flowers on the other side

Mortimer 2022-02-07 14:46:30

The name of "The Flower of the Other Side" is still ambiguous and intriguing. This is a relatively clear movie of Yasujiro Ozu I have seen so far. Although the helplessness in life is still played out in the family, it is far from the heavy parting of life and death. Especially the appearance of Yamamoto Fujiko and his daughter in the play, there is more permission to love. The song that appears in the film is beautiful, and the red kettle is dazzling. Finally, there is no such depression and pain that I can't calm down for a long time after reading it. However, I don't seem to like such films without sadness, perhaps not as much as "Tokyo Story" and "The Taste of Saury".

Ozu's films require patience to watch, and the atmosphere is full. The distant train at the end of "The Flower of the Other Shore" is fascinating. The bars, music and countless intentional things that appear frequently in his films are worth pondering over. Sometimes, it may be only when you reach a certain age or experience a little injustice that you can appreciate the taste of this kind of movie more.

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