Blind guess the final boss is Mobius

Juston 2022-03-20 09:01:33

Mobius is the mastermind behind everything, the child of the main timeline Loki and other timeline Sivir. After arranging the plan of his future birth, he erased his memory and became a diligent front-line analyst, Help the male and female protagonists grow, and facilitate the encounter and union of Loki and Sivir to give birth to themselves.

When he was born, Loki named himself and Sivir's child "Mobius" in honor of Mobius, who was "dead" in the current timeline.

However, in the development of the plot followed by the old Loki and others, it was found that the previous "Mobius" was the real mastermind, and his son "Mobius" would travel through time and space to establish the

Loki in the main timeline wanted to end all this and killed the little "Mobius" by himself, but was stopped by Sivir. In order to protect the little "Mobius" Sivir was killed by Loki's backstab, Loki did not continue after the collapse. Attack the little "Mobius" (or the death of the mother inspires the ability of the little "Mobius" to banish Loki to various time and space.).

Later, he began to wander in various timelines to find a way to truly end the cycle, and eventually became an old Loki and recruited young Loki, black (conceited) Loki and crocodile Loki dormant in the "inner world" timeline (or Thanos destroyed it) The young man (new cycle) Loki who is waiting to be "cut" by the female judge Rensselaer in the doomsday timeline that lost most of life in the universe), go back to the main timeline and find the mastermind who has become the mastermind and "feigned death" and returns to the behind-the-scenes Boss Middle-aged "Mobius" and kill the middle-aged "Mobius" with the efforts of Sivir and young Loki to complete the Mobius closed loop.


1. There is a setting in the play that you can't go back to the time point before the time mutation, so it also explains why the old Loki can't go back to the past to prevent the events of his timeline from happening.


3. The character name in the ending credits of Female Loki is The Variant. It is guessed that Mobius thought that the birth of his mother Sivir represented the beginning of the real wait for "time variation", so Sivir was arrested at a very young age. Without being caught, the female police officer who lost little Sivir by negligence was upgraded to a female judge.

So the high-probability plan is called "Plan: The Variant". In the fourth episode, when all the planets where Sivir and Loki are located cannot escape and the emotions are heated up, the timeline of the Authority gives a prompt, and immediately dispatched to bring it back.

Everything that happened so far was planned by Mobius for his birth (or arranged by fate), and the female judge should also know part of the plan (the time manager was beheaded and found to be a robot judge, instead of a collapse of faith. Sneak attack on Loki), and a bold guess is also the daughter of the black (B15?) character who is currently or appears.

Reasons for the above speculation:

1. Mobius originally meant Mobius Band, which refers to a cycle in which the positive and negative sides are connected to form a wireless (∞), and there are end-to-end connections. The starting point is the end point, and the end point is a repeating cycle of a new beginning.

2. In order to expand the multiverse and better pave the way and create new Marvel hero film and television stories, it is best to find a meeting point for the multiverse time and space, so that it can easily explain a lot of development and say that everything is the arrangement of fate.

3. It is a routine operation for the two Marvel and DC to learn from each other (copycat) heroes, and Mobius in the DC world first appeared in the fourth issue of "Crisis on Infinite Earths" (July 1985). Month), the super villain jointly created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez, also known as the Anti-Monitor, is the counterpart of the Monitor in the Antimatter Universe, It was he who single-handedly planned the "Crisis on Infinite Earths". The Anti-Monitor is powerful, and its source of terror is the Anti-Life Equation.

4. The above is purely speculation. If you hit the top, I will be popular. If you are wrong, you will be entertained by watching the drama.

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Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.