Officially stamped, Loki is a double, I'm tempted by myself - the third and fourth episodes review

Jazmin 2022-03-19 09:01:04

Finale review: Female Loki stabs the multiverse with a knife, it turns out that this is a super long trailer

Critic Collection: Disney Marvel's "Rocky" Review

The mini-series "Rocky" has a total of six episodes. The third episode "Lamentis/Elegy", which aired on June 23, currently has an IMDb rating of 7.9, the lowest for a single episode.

This episode is relatively flat in terms of plot, and mainly plays a transitional role in connecting the previous and the next. After watching it, I realized that this is paving the way for Loki's "other me" touch!

The biggest highlight in my heart is the female Loki Sylvie asked if Loki has ever met a special princess or prince, and Loki replied "a bit of both", which is okay.

From Loki's profile in the first episode, Loki's gender itself is fluid, so it's no surprise that he's pansexual or bisexual.

This setting is also in line with the original comics, which reminds me of Cecilia Cheung's fox spirit in the Hong Kong film "Zhong Wuyan", both male and female, like Zhong Wuyan and Qi Xuan Wang.

There are too many analyses of "Rocky", and I will not repeat the same knowledge points. As far as the third episode is concerned, a few important points are briefly summarized.

The biggest highlight is that Loki is double;

The biggest breaking point is that TVA staff were not created by time guardians, they are actually time criminals whose memories have been erased.

The biggest question is, first, how strong is Loki's ability? Sometimes he looks very powerful and deserves the "God of Tricks", and sometimes he is very disheartened and often gets beaten to the ground. Is this the setting of "Unbeatable Xiaoqiang"?

One, did Loki steal the Time Stone from TVA? When the building was about to collapse, Loki used his ability to avoid it. Is this his own ability, or did he use the time gem?

The fourth episode started with high energy. TVA female boss Ravonna Renslayer went to see the Time Guardian. These three "magic lizards" finally appeared in the camera!

This episode of "The Nexus Event/Related Events" has both heart-wrenching emotional scenes and various points of explosion of information. That is, this fight scene is really too far-fetched, but the flaws are not concealed. The current IMDb score is 9.5. Set highest.

Hunter C-20, who was previously possessed by female Loki, was said to be insane and declared dead because she found her past memories;

Mobius, who gradually realized that something was wrong, was directly ordered by the female boss Ravonna to be cut;

When the black hunter Hunter B-15 was also shaken after being possessed by the female Loki, after Sylvie said that she could not create memories, the black hunter chose to believe and help the female Loki.

After the two Loki finally met the three Time Guardians, they realized that the Time Guardians were very afraid of them. Personal speculation is that Loki's fusion will cause timeline chaos, and it is unknown why and how.

Then the most strenuous fighting scene in the MCU world was born here. I couldn't help but say, do gods fight like this?

Don't fight anymore, you have to fight, go to the dance studio to fight!

After a fight at home, the head of the time guardian in the middle was directly poked by the female Loki, and it turned out that they were all robots.

This reminds me of the official rant in "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier", the three giants today are robots, aliens and wizards.

Why are there three Time Guardians? Because "three" is sacred in Western Christianity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are Trinity as one (ps: the heroine in the classic movie "The Matrix" happens to be called Trinity).

Since she was taken away as a time criminal in childhood, Loki's purpose is to kill the so-called "time god". And is the Guardian of Time really a god! ?

When I first watched Marvel, one of the first things I found a little hard to digest but also pleasantly surprised was that there are no gods in the MCU world. To put it simply, it means "humanizing" the legendary gods and interpreting myths with science.

Although the MCU characters include Odin, the father of the Norse gods, his setting is actually an alien with advanced technology and a long lifespan. Today, due to the development of science, it is discovered that myths formed from worship in ancient times can actually be interpreted as alien deeds.

Since the "Rocky" team joined the screenwriter of "Rick and Morty", the series directly advanced the "deification" to "kill the gods".

After all, in the latest episode of "Rick and Morty" (S5E2), both grandfather and grandson threatened to kill Christian God.

The current plot direction seems to imply that TVA is based entirely on lies, because there is no such thing as a "sacred timeline".

The Time Guardian is more of a pretense. It is possible that the so-called Time God is Kang the Conqueror who will appear in the movie "Ant-Man 3: Quantum Mania".

The Time Administration is just a brainwashed institution, TVA is built in the quantum realm, which explains why they can travel through time at will, and their time passing is not consistent with reality.

(I will mention a plot bug in "Ant-Man 2: The Wasp Appears". The time in the quantum field is not linearly consistent with the real world, so it stands to reason that the wasp will not grow old. But in order to avoid giving the audience to the audience It brings the sense of disobedience between the old husband and the young wife, so the screenwriter still whitened the wasp girl.)

And Ravonna, the female boss who was defeated by Sylvie, estimates that she will know more or less the inside story of TVA. She may know that the staff here are all time criminals, but she also doesn't know the real body of the time guardian.

The sculptural image of the Time Guardian is somewhat similar to Kang the Conqueror's cartoon, but the Mephisto PTSD left by watching "Wanda Vision" is too serious!

When the phantom red episode was on the air, countless fans predicted that Mephisto was the mastermind behind it, but it was Agatha from start to finish.

If this drama is also handled according to the way the pros and cons of "Wanda Vision" are complete from the beginning, could it be that the female boss Ravonna is also pictured in "Agatha all along", she is actually the final villain of the show! ?

The ending of this episode was also full of surprises. Four new Loki appeared at once, from left to right, Frost Giant Loki, Little Loki, Crocodile Loki and Classic Loki.

It is estimated that Loki the Crocodile was also raised by Asgard, because except for the Frost Giant Loki, all three of them have forks with antlers on their heads. Maybe this is the body of any Asgard Loki (ah not)!

Little Loki appeared in the comics "The Young Avengers", and Wanda had given birth to twins in "Wanda Vision", and later became a member of the Young Avengers under the names of "Speed" and "Witchcraft".

It is very likely that this is New York in another timeline, and the node at this time may be "Avengers 1" after the New York war, the heroes of the Avengers failed and the Stark Building was destroyed.

The side of the easter egg proves another point. Being beaten by an energy bar does not really disappear, but it will really disappear after being transferred to another space. Maybe Loki and Mobius will meet again.

And what Loki hasn't said to Sylvie, maybe there's still a chance, after all, they still owe each other a hug and a kiss.

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Extended Reading

Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.