The opening subverts the past ten years. Is the God of Time the supreme god of Marvel? - Review of the second episode

Kelli 2022-03-18 09:01:04

Critic Collection: Disney Marvel's "Rocky" Review

The first episode of "Rocky" "Glorious Purpose" came out last Wednesday, which shocked many fans. When Loki invaded Earth in "Avengers 1", he claimed to be on a glorious mission.

In the second episode of "The Variant/Time Criminal", Loki begins to capture another time criminal, Loki, who is really a female Loki.


Time first arrived in 1985. At a Renaissance rally, female Rocky attacked the members of the Time Administration successfully and escaped.

Later, when Loki looked at the information of "Ragnarok", he speculated that the female Loki was hidden in the timeline of the doomsday, so that he would not be discovered. The world is about to end anyway, so any of your actions at this point can no longer cause a time branch.

As expected of the god of tricks.

Later, it was not until 2050 that Loki and the TVA group realized that the purpose of female Loki was to create multiple time branches. At the end, Loki escapes with the female Loki.

In this episode, the words of Loki and the agent Mobius are simply discussing the three philosophies of life put forward by the philosopher Plato, who am I, where did I come from, and where am I going.

The documents that Loki thought to investigate the origin and end of time were also directly limited.


Marvel has used a ten-year layout to highlight the important Infinity Stones, and no one cares about the Time Administration. The always lawless "Evil God" Loki was unable to cast his magic power here.

The setting of the Time Administration currently looks a bit like Haiguan + Fating + Tejing. In the first episode, Loki watched an animated promotional video when he received the ticket and was tried.

From this, we learned that there are three time guardians in this world, their meaning is to maintain the order of the main timeline, and the Time Administration exists to carry out the mission of the three time gods.

From this point of view, Thanos' removal of life in half of the universe is a matter of petty play. After all, all of this is honestly in a single timeline, no matter how much he makes trouble, he doesn't come up with other timelines.

Is the God of Time the highest God of Marvel? The Avengers heroes on Earth, the mutants represented by Professor X and Magneto, the Asgard Asgard warriors, the Skrulls who triggered the secret war, the Inhumans in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", what is the relationship? of?


Here is a brief summary of the Marvel Comics family tree of race relations.

(Source: YouTube blogger rockstars)

The upcoming movie "The Eternals" is another important branch, the Eternals with special abilities that are immortal and immortal.

In the comics, the Eternals go back millions of years. At that time, the Celestials carried out a lot of genetic experiments on human beings, creating two descendants, one is the immortal creature with superpowers (The Eternals), and the other is the deformed abnormal person (The Deviants).

Simply put, the former is a handsome man and a beautiful woman, and the latter is a grotesque monster. And the titan star Thanos happens to be an eternal clan with abnormal genes, which is why he has purple scarred skin.


The mutants on earth also originated from the gods.

In the background setting of the comic "Immortal Vol. 1", it was explained that the mutants were born with the X gene because the god group came to the earth in the ancient times and carried out genetic experiments on the people of the earth at that time.

It has to be said that the Celestials are really in love.

The Celestials currently appearing in the mcu include Ego, the father of Star Lord. In "Guardians of the Galaxy 2", Ego and the son of a demigod met and killed each other.

In addition to mutants, there are inhumans with superpowers on the earth. The agent Skye in "Agents of SHIELD" is one of the inhumans.


Mutants are derived from Celestials, while Inhumans are derived from Cree.

In ancient times, the Kree and the Skrull had a war, so they visited the solar system and experimented with intelligent life on the earth at that time, so the human race with superpowers, The Inhumans, was born. .

Ronan, the accuser who was shocked by Star-Lord's dance in "Guardians of the Galaxy", is a Cree. Venom was introduced in "Venom" in the Sony Marvel universe, and its original host in the comics is also a Cree.

The movie "Captain Marvel" introduced both Cree and Skrull races.

Taking the Earthlings as the coordinates, the Cree, the Skrulls and the Asgardians represented by Odin and Thor can be directly regarded as aliens, and these three important alien races are also affected by the Celestial Race. Impact.


In the beginning, the supreme god of the MCU may be the more native heavenly father-level god, Odin, the father of the Nordic gods, is one of them, but their setting is actually an alien with super-developed technology.

Later, Star-Lord's father, Egg, appeared directly as a planet as a member of the Celestial Race, and the single-universe-level god became the supreme god of the MCU.

Further up are the multiverse gods, the best known of which are the five creation gods: Eternity, Infinity, Annihilation, Death, and the Devourer of Planets. Although Uncle Tun is always abused in the comics, his status is still there.

In turn, there are the super cosmic gods represented by Nemesis, the omnipotent cosmic gods represented by the Life Court, and OAA (ONE ABOVE ALL).

Marvel comics can be traced back to 1939. There are many series, complicated history, and many settings have been changed and changed.

The supreme god of Marvel Comics and MCU should be the screenwriter. In the comics, there have been many screenwriters entering the painting, and the settings have been modified with a stroke of the pen.


In the drama "Rocky", I thought that the time gods were not the supreme gods, they were more like independent guardians.

And the members of the Time Administration themselves are not exceptionally talented. Without the "remote control" and various equipment, they can still face the enemy. Their combat power relies entirely on hand-to-hand combat, and they can be defeated by a fire.

In the first episode, what shocked people was the energy bar that turned people into ashes in the hands of TVA people. In the process of tracking down female Loki in this episode, TVA appears to be passive.

The original Loki was obsessed with the Infinity Stones and becoming the leader of the earth and then the nine kingdoms. Now he joined TVA and began to think about seeing the God of Time, the three magic lizards.

Agent Mobius pointed out that Loki wanted to confuse the Time God and then lead TVA; and Loki told the female Loki that he wanted to overthrow the Time God directly.

"Rocky" has a total of 6 episodes as a mini-series. Can the God of Time really appear?

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Extended Reading

Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.