Marvel's cutest villain is back!

Carter 2022-03-16 09:01:03

Hello everyone, I'm Alaska with glasses and a microphone.

Who is your favorite villain in the Marvel Universe?

Is it the thousand-year-old old man Thanos who has devoted himself to the great cause of cosmic family planning and completed his work in one battle?

Or squeeze the "Meow Meow Hammer" with his bare hands and beat his younger brother to Hela, the goddess of death who knelt down and sang conquest?

Among them, it is recognized that the most popular one is Loki, the god of tricks who always loves backstabs without using magic.

After "WandaVision" and "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier", Loki "The Three Princesses of Asgard" is back!

As a short drama with a popular villain as the protagonist, "Rocky" got a high score of 9.3 on the day it was broadcast.

The next day, it dropped to 9.2. Damn, who didn't give five stars?

How can such a masterpiece be missed?

Old rules, if you want to see me as a friend of the "Rocky" video serialization, please like it.

As long as everyone is enthusiastic enough, I promise to arrange for everyone!

The story of "Loki" starts with "Avengers 4". In order to restore the world, the Avengers traveled through different time points to collect the lost Infinity Stones.

By accident, the 2012 Space Gem fell at the feet of Loki, who had just lost the Avengers Battle of New York and was about to be escorted back to Asgard.

Just listening to the sound of "whoosh", Loki was teleported to the Mongolian Gobi Desert by the space gem. He thought that he had escaped from the sky, the vast world would do a lot, and he could happily backstab his brother~

Unexpectedly, several heavily armed soldiers suddenly appeared in front of Loki through a space-time passage similar to the "Arbitrary Door".

They are the time guards of the Time Variation Administration (hereinafter referred to as TVA), and they want to arrest the time criminal Loki on the charge of violating the sacred timeline.

Smile, he is the third princess of Asgard, Loki, the god of tricks, and a dozen or so Hulks can't get close!

Loki is full of confidence, and then...

Regardless of whether they attacked a 1,500-year-old comrade, whether they talked about martial arts or not, in short, Loki was taken to TVA headquarters.

He also changed him into a very fashionable one-piece overalls (prisoner uniform) for free.

At this time, someone is going to ask, what is the origin of this TVA?

A long, long time ago, a war broke out among the multiverse, with countless timelines fighting each other for supremacy.

Three omniscient and almighty time guardians (space lizards) were born, and the three of them twisted time into a timeline and named it the "sacred timeline".

Loki was arrested because he used the space gem to escape and deviates from the original timeline since then. People who disrupt the timeline like him are called "time criminals".

According to the normal process, Loki will face the trial of the time court, and finally disappear.

He also tried to resist, but TVA seems to be out of time and space, not only Loki's magic fails.

Even the infinitely powerful Infinity Stones became waste at TVA and could only be used as paperweights.

At a critical moment, a man named Mosleyan...Mostima...Moriarty...Mobius! An agent named Mobius suddenly appeared and took Loki away.

He asked Loki to help catch a time criminal, and the ruthless man had assassinated two teams of time guards in a row and took their time controllers.

Loki refuses at first, until Mobius unleashes a series of PUAs on him:

First, he praised Loki's double-handedness and his brother's double-handedness for the ideal, and then the backhand was a classic replay of the "Loki Failure Award":

Even Loki's life is judged: you were not born to be king, your birth caused pain, torture and death.

When you fail, others can be their best selves.

If the above will only make Loki feel embarrassed, then the following content is like a blunt knife, cutting the softest part of Loki's heart.

This Loki is from the 2012 universe, and his character is still in the stage of the most naughty demon king, but he was forced to witness that he personally killed the only mother who cared about him.

Audiences who have watched the "Thor" and "Avengers" series should know that the death of his mother is the biggest opportunity for Loki to change his ways.

His father Odin disappeared, he and his brother joined forces to fight against Hela, the goddess of death, and Asgard died in Ragnarok... The big events that should have been experienced in life flashed past...

Until Loki saw that he was pinched to death by a purple potato essence like a chicken.

At least this time, he knew the answer to that question:

"If I die, will you mourn for me, brother?"

After watching his whole life, Loki, the "roll king" who aimed to "liberate" the entire universe, was completely flattened.

He promised to cooperate with TVA, but before that, he had to answer a question:

Why choose him?

The reason for choosing Loki is on the one hand because the Loki on Earth 2012 has already left the main timeline and should have been dealt with in secret.

Even if he was wiped out on the spot, it would not have any impact on the sacred timeline.

On the other hand, and the main reason, is that the time criminal that TVA is hunting down is Loki.

Overall, the first episode of "Rocky" was a great read.

In just 50 minutes, the director completed the plot of "Avengers 4", introduced the origin and overview of the TVA organization, and helped the audience to review Loki's life with virtual influence, while realizing the transformation of his character.

In the end, the final BOSS of the show, the female Loki (very likely), was introduced.

Moreover, the content of the episodes of "Rocky" is almost completely original, without the support of the original comics, and the TVA organization does not even exist in the comics.

Looking at TVA's stance of ignoring the rules of time and space, the three gods of time must be multiverse-level gods no matter what.

But even Eternity, the head of the five gods, cannot use the Infinity Stones as a paperweight.

How many Avengers died for the Infinity Stones in "Avengers 3 & 4"? The soul gems that Gamora and Sister Widow exchanged for their lives were piled up in a drawer like garbage in TVA.

Marvel dares to do this, is really not afraid of fans backlash.

It highlights the ambitions of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since Doctor Strange represented the Supreme Mage to fight, the Marvel Universe has lost a "bystander" who is detached from the struggle.

And TVA, an organization that is obviously several dimensions higher than Fulian, can just fill this vacancy.

Because of the existence of TVA, the story of "Rocky" can not only lead to the upcoming "Doctor Strange 2", but also announce the official opening of the Marvel multiverse era.

But once you get rid of it, you will slide into the abyss of unbalanced combat power, and let's see how Marvel will deal with it next.

In addition to the steampunk-style TVA, the biggest attraction of this show is Rocky himself.

The son of Odin (in name), the eternal three princesses of Asgard, the god of tricks... Initially appeared as a villain, but with the charm of both good and evil, he has attracted countless fans.

The repeated beatings of life have cultivated his tendons.

(Man, is this something I can watch for free?)

As a late-stage talker , the nonsense he said could be so tall when piled up;

Even in prison, he can come up with new tricks;

Being pressed to do his "great achievement" reaction, he can also talk and laugh;

While laughing at the so-called free will of human beings, it is showing his freedom; while laughing at the exhaustion of human beings in pursuit of power, looking back on his life, he finds that he is also exhausted in the pursuit of power.

But when you explore the depths of Loki's heart, you will find that he doesn't really want much, but the support of his subjects, the equal treatment of his father, and the approval of his brother.

With such flesh and blood, laughter and tears, even if you haven't seen any Marvel work, you can be a fan of Loki in a few minutes.

According to Marvel's consistent style, in addition to shaping Rocky himself, the drama "Rocky" was also stuffed with a lot of tributes and easter eggs.

TVA has a poster everywhere, apparently paying homage to George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984.

The novel fictionalizes a world divided by three superpowers, with constant wars between countries, the internal social structure is completely broken, and a highly centralized rule is implemented.

Those in power use extreme means such as changing history, changing language, and even breaking families to suppress people's thoughts and instincts, use the "telescreen" with both surveillance and monitoring functions to control people's behavior, and use the personal cult of leaders and domestic and foreign cults. The hatred of the enemy keeps society going.

The famous phrase "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU" has also been engraved into the reader's DNA and has become a classic old stalk that never gets tired of playing.

Before entering the time court, time criminals have to go through a lot of inspections. The first item is to screen out the robots in them.

According to the staff, some robots have extremely high intelligence and do not even know they are robots.

Good guy, stabbed a knife in the face of "Magic Red" CP powder.

Immediately afterwards, TVA introduced Loki about the origin and functions of the organization, and the reasons for violating the timeline were varied: some were just late for work, while others were launching a war of resistance.

From the buildings in the distance, it can be seen that this is the mother Titan of Thanos.

One of them is all purple, obviously the clan of Thanos, and the hostile side is the blue man led by the golden man. Considering that there are too many blue-skinned aliens in the Marvel universe, we can't see why for the time being.

I don't know if "The Eternals", which will be released soon, will make this battle clear.

Mobius, played by Owen Wilson, whose full name is Mobius M. Mobius, is an "interlocking" name.

In "Avengers 4", Iron Man cracked the mystery of time and space, and it was inspired by the Mobius ring.

I don't know if this Mobius agent will appear again in the main story.

By the way, the protagonist of the upcoming Marvel movie "Dr. Dark Night: Morbius", which will be released in 2022, is also called Morbius, and I don't know how they are related.

In order to convince Loki, Mobius probed his true heart and played Loki's "big moments in life" on the original timeline.

As long as your hands are fast enough, you can see the words Earth 616 on the video tape, which happens to match the number of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The rumors on the Internet that "Reunion 4 took place in a parallel universe" have finally been subverted.

The content of the videotape also involves an American urban legend.

When Mobius recounted Loki's embarrassment, he once mentioned his past incarnation of DB Cooper to hijack a passenger plane.

Legend has it that on November 24, 1971, a man named DB Cooper boarded Northwest Airlines Flight 305.

After the plane took off, he told the flight attendant in a note that he had a bomb and demanded a ransom of $200,000, four parachutes and a gas truck parked at Seattle Airport on standby.

The FBI and Northwest Airlines decided to comply with the hijacker's request, and after Cooper got the money, he kept his word and released all the passengers on the plane, and then ordered the crew to take him back to take off.

But as soon as the plane flew over Washington, it encountered a violent storm. Cooper jumped from the back door of the cabin with a parachute and money, and disappeared from the world.

The FBI searched for 11 years with no results until 1982 when they found a small part of the $200,000 near a small lake in Vancouver state.

In "Rocky", the incarnation of Cooper, Loki finally escaped with the rainbow bridge, which can be regarded as an outrageous answer to this urban legend.

Finally, and the most important easter egg, is the ubiquitous old man Stan Lee in the Marvel Universe.

Although he has passed away, he still appears in Marvel works in various forms.

According to the currently released trailer, it can be guessed that Loki will follow the TVA force and travel through different timelines. Characters such as "Campaign Loki" and "Female Loki" will appear one by one.

It's a pity I can't control the time, otherwise I would fast forward to 5 days later.

I can't wait to watch the second episode! Nothing else, mainly just curious (chan) what female Loki looks like.

(Actor Sofia Di Martino who played female Rocky)

That's all for today, see you tomorrow~

Bye bye!

The picture in this article comes from the Internet

Edit: vigorously

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Extended Reading

Loki quotes

  • [In a presidential suit]

    Loki: Oh, come on! What did you expect?

  • Loki: You're taking me somewhere to kill me?

    Mobius: No, I'm taking you some place to talk.

    Loki: Well, I don't like to talk.

    Mobius: But you do like to lie. Which you just did, 'cause we both know you love to talk.