secret agent

Damon 2022-03-18 09:01:03

2021-5-22 Secret Agent Xiaomi Box

Tyler Gaby, a female car technician, whose father, Dr. Tyler, developed enriched uranium. Gaby's uncle, Rudy, works in Italy.

CIA agent Napoleon Solo was a high-IQ criminal and was brought under the CIA

Soviet kgb agent Ilya's father was arrested for embezzling funds under Stalin

Soro came to Berlin to find Gaby Soro asked Gaby to drive Ilya and followed him. Both sides had the same speed and judgment of turning. Soro got out of the car and asked Gaby to hide the car in a car with Ilya. Soro shot and hit Ily. Ya's car, Ilya, ran after Solo and asked Gaby to jam the car in the wall. From the car window to a room, Solo hung it with a rope in the truck downstairs and took Gaby away.

The President of the United States made a speech on TV and did not cooperate with the Soviet Union, but the CIA still cooperated with the Soviet Union. Soro and Ilya met in the bathroom and had a fight.

Ilya and Gaby are architects and fiancée Solo is an antique dealer. Ilya and Solo have a dispute over what Dior wears when they buy clothes for Gaby.

Two men disguised as robbers in an alley in Rome, Italy, stole Ilya's watch, wallet, ring, and Ilya was forced to fight back.

Soro at the hotel slept at the front desk, Gaby drank too much, hugged Ilya and found bugs made by the other country in the room.

Ilya was humiliated by Rudy for being Soviet, Solo performing stealing skills in front of Victoria could help Victoria perfect her collection

Soro and Ilya Lai went to the warehouse Ilya stunned the guard and stood in shock for 20 minutes to open the secret road Soro used Swiss products to open the safety door, Suoluo didn't expect an alarm at the door, the two had a gunfight with the guard, and the two jumped out of the window to open the speedboat Leaving the gate to close Soro fell into the water and then went to the van to eat sandwiches and drink and watch the guards drive the speedboat and Ilya in circles. Ilya's speedboat was sunk. Ilya fell into the water.

Victoria called Solo Hotel and no answer Victoria drove to check Solo and Ilya rushed back to the hotel Victoria opened the Solo Hotel room door and saw Solo in the room

Rudy asked Gaby to go out Ilya put a tracker in Gaby's skirt Gaby betrayed Solo and Ilya in eavesdropping Ilya escaped to find Victoria's Solo was drugged and caught Solo was used by Rudy Electrocution Ilya installed a tracker in Solo's shoes Ilya rescued Solo Rudy and confessed that the nuclear bomb had been built on a private island Hitler sent a submarine to get the nuclear bomb Rudy was burned in a chair

The United States and the Soviet Union asked the two to follow the British intelligence agency Waverley to attack the island. After the mission is completed, they can kill each other. Gaby is a British agent who has long been placed in the repair shop.

Gaby and Tyler install a nuclear bomb Gabby is taken by Victoria and the nuclear bomb is installed Victoria takes the hard drive and kills Tyler

The agents started attacking the island Victoria took the nuke and left Alexandria to capture Gaby Soro and Ilya went after Alexander respectively Solo knocked over Alexander's car Alexander was shot and killed Solo took the hard drive Gaby was rescued

The nuclear bomb on the island was a fake aircraft carrier. Solo found that the nuclear bomb was taken away by a fishing boat. Contact the fishing boat. Solo had a dialogue with Victoria and found the location of the fishing boat.

Hotel Elijah said goodbye to Gaby. The high-level called Elijah and threatened him to get the hard drive. Elijah went to Sorosolo and handed the watch to Elijah. The two burned the hard drive. Waverly brought Gaby to tell the three Going to Istanbul on a new mission The team has the name uncle

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E. quotes

  • Illya Kuryakin: [as Solo cracks a safe] Did you disable the alarm?

    Napoleon Solo: There's no alarm on the 307.

    [alarm immediately begins wailing]

    Illya Kuryakin: ...Loving your work, Cowboy.