The story of a soft-hearted and not vigilant killer who was finally eliminated

Marcellus 2022-11-19 21:48:12

1 Introduction

May 13, 2021 15:28:20

The movie I watched last night. record it

2 Basic information

A soft-hearted killer who was bred on the Internet. In the last assassination, after killing the person who should be killed, he fell into the love net of the heroine, and finally found out that he was the prey and was killed. . .

3 good places

1) The male protagonist is quite cool. The precise calculation of the assassination at the beginning is okay. He has the inferential mind of Sherlock Holmes, which is very comfortable to look at.

2) The male protagonist has always had compassion, which paved the way for his death

3) The seemingly harmless heroine is actually the big boss! After the hero had a spring night with the beauty, she was directly shot away by the beauty. pity.

4 bad places

1) I hate that on-line, played by Anthony Hopkins, who deliberately killed the male protagonist. Hard to top.

5 Learnings

1) Learned the cruelty of war. When Hopkins talked about the US-Vietnam War, the cruelty of war, the old and the weak, women and children were all killed by guns.

So, be sure to study hard and make a difference.

6 Others


7 Summary

May 13, 2021 15:33:55

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