The epitaph of the ideal

Lacy 2022-09-05 23:25:41

I have been paying attention to this drama before, and I also specially found the comics to watch a large part. The plot of the first season basically follows some of the main lines of the first volume of the comics, and also reproduces a few scenes from the comics, but still added A large number of original plots are narrated in two lines of ancient and modern times, which naturally greatly enriches the images of some main characters than the comics, but after eight episodes, I feel that there is not much progress, and I am a bit disappointed.

Fortunately, discussions on themes such as "Superman Family", "Boundaries of Ability and Responsibility", and "Principle of No Killing" in the comics are repeatedly mentioned in this play. Realism believed in a hundred years ago, these two incompatible concepts will naturally produce irreconcilable contradictions.

In the plot that will go all the way down, the idealist will eventually be overturned by the heavy reality, the lonely boat that finds treasure in the ocean, the creed maintained by the principle of not killing, after a hundred years, it will be just a family game game.

Spoiler alert

Similarities and differences with comics The comic "Jupiter's Legacy" has a total of four volumes. The play borrows the overall world view of the comics and a small part of the first volume, and also uses some superpower characters from the second volume.

Why do you say that this play is a small part of the first volume, because although the overall context of the play has not changed, it has really filled in and changed too much content. The comic started with a utopian and a group of heroes beating Black Star, and naturally there are also parts of brainwaves controlling Black Star.

But there are not so many conspiracies in the comics, brain wave Walter directly induces the utopian son Brandon to rebel against his father and build a better America.

So Brandon, who has been unpopular with his father, rose up, and under Walter's arrangement, let Meteor and other heroes consume the physical strength of the Utopians, and then let Brandon use his powerful ability to complete the act of killing his father.

On the other hand, he personally went into battle and killed Brandon's mother, Lady Liberty. (This scene in the comic is very bloody and has been coded)

The Utopians have been sucking powder to make a man's daughter Chloe (at this time, he is in close contact with Tianhu's son Hatch), and was hunted down because of the death of his parents. Fortunately, Hatch escaped with the shuttle stick. And a few years later, Hatch and Chloe had children, and they continued to rebel against the rule of Walter and Brandon (this is the content of the second volume), so it can be seen that the play took eight episodes, in fact, only It's just the beginning of the comic, and the play has a large space to complete the story of Sheldon's loss of his father a hundred years ago until he found Kojima with everyone to obtain his ability. Most of the content and details in it are original.

But what's interesting is that some famous scenes from the comics are still reproduced in the play. For example, Chloe was so high that she fell and smashed the table.

For example, two people who watched the fire from the other side and watched the battle of Black Star were hit.

For example, the underworld thugs are sent directly to the Shark Sea by the teleportation rod.

Two very cool villains in the comics, Barnabas, and the Japanese girl Leiguang, also appear in this play. Barnabas can control all kinds of inorganic substances, and in the comics, he is also a powerful look.

But Leiguang actually appeared in the second season as a big villain of the protagonist group (she can read her mind to predict the opponent's attack, and she can instantly isolate the people she touches into a mirror space)

In the end, she relied on a replicator's ability to re-engrave her and transported her to the rainbow pony world to subdue her.

In the play, Walter directly fucked the illegitimate daughter to death, and I feel that the subsequent plot will change more and more. (The first time I saw her in the play, I thought Awkwafina had succeeded in losing weight)

Parents and heirs of the play the biggest difference with other Chaoying story, it is the super hero into the "fathers", being "child generation" system. Although at first glance there is the feeling of "the old gods teach the younger generation" that the kingdom of heaven is coming, but in "The Legend of Jupiter", the new and old heroes have a definite blood connection.

Sheldon and Grace have son Brandon and daughter Chloe.

Tianhu George has a son Hatch who is incapable of anything.

Walter has an illegitimate daughter, Lei Guang.

Black Fitz also has a daughter Petra.

In the subsequent plot, Chloe and Hatch have children again, so the inheritance of this "superhero system", the relationship between parents and children, has become a very important point in the play. Let's start by looking at Brandon, the only hero who can match the abilities of the Utopians.

It is not difficult to imagine what he has experienced over the years, living under the shadow of his father's stalwart body, and in the repeated teachings of his parents, he began to firmly believe in his father's words, that since he has such a powerful force, he must take responsibility. , uphold justice.

But in a sense, it's just a little boy's worship of his father, desperate to prove that he's listening to his father, but when his friend loses his life because of his father's commandments, and even when his father will die to enforce justice When he lost himself, the admiration for his father that Brandon once held was slowly collapsing.

I think the good thing about this show is that Brandon, who was decadent at the beginning of the comics, has been changed into what he is now. When the halo of the parents is broken, the truth that the children see is often an endless nightmare.

Now that we've mentioned it, let's also talk about Sheldon and his father.

The relationship between Sheldon and Walter and their father is actually worth pondering. His father dotes on Sheldon, and Sheldon also believes in his father very much. Walter is very envious of all this. He knows his father better. The one who will truly inherit his mantle. So very similarly, the halo of the father's generation also suddenly shattered, and the dead father revealed his evil capitalist side, and turned into a nightmare to constantly torture Sheldon.

The admiration and final disappointment of his father for such a long time may have become the idea of ​​"becoming a perfect person" after Sheldon. There is no doubt that he did not take care of the children too much, but incarnated as a utopian, he still Hopefully, with the "absolutely right" mind, kids can follow in his footsteps.

It's a pity that his children didn't do what he wanted, and even Chloe didn't pay attention to these "heroic activities" at all.

Chloe's line is actually discussing "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility", but this super ability of Chloe is born, so is it necessary to tie an innocent person? On this train called "Heroes", urging them to keep moving forward?

This reminds me of someone who said a few days ago that we should allow Tsinghua and Peking University students to be less outstanding. In fact, this is the same problem.

When a person has more abilities, can he choose to be an ordinary person? From an individual point of view, there is no doubt that individuals have the right to choose, but from a group point of view, when evil comes, those heroes who have the ability to fight against evil choose to avoid it, which seems to be another dilemma. situation.

Of course, going back to the question of parents and children, Chloe is undoubtedly a rebellious image, attracting fans, clubbing, promiscuity, she does not do less of what a good girl can do, and her superhuman parents are powerless to change Chloe's state can only be silently concerned and protect the child they love.

As for Chloe's new boyfriend Hatch, his father Tianhu will not really show up until later. Hatch is an "orphan" image. Although he has a powerful father, his father became everyone's mouth when he was a child. the bad guy and left the family.

The Paradox of Not Killing and the Broken Creed

There is a tacit consensus in the United States and the Chinese Super League, that is, the principle of no killing.

Maybe it's to avoid promoting violence, or maybe it's just that no-kill comics can be sold to younger kids, or maybe it's to get charismatic villains to appear in comics again and again, but most heroes are Choose to bring criminals (whether super criminals or street gangsters) to justice, or incarcerate in some way.

In order to explain this kind of behavior of heroes, especially in the face of the problem of why murderous prisoners still only defeat but not kill, a very high-sounding reason is brought to the fore: the moral code.

The Utopian in "The Legend of Jupiter" is actually the maker of this moral code, or this moral code is the quality that he ideally superheroes should have. Do not participate in politics, do not kill, this is the point of view he put forward.

But in the play, this "principle of not killing" has been extremely challenged. It is true that if the hero has the ability far beyond the criminal, he can naturally choose the way to end with the least damage, but in a world where superheroes and super criminals coexist, Criminals will not talk to you about benevolence, righteousness and morality, and a soft-hearted one of yours is likely to put your own life at risk.

So at this time, does the principle of no killing still need to be adhered to?

Not only that, these prisoners who are too numerous to list are at most imprisoned, and because of the plot setting, these prisons will have various escapes from time to time, so the hero's refusal to kill is actually paving the way for future disasters.

In fact, as I think about it, there is no conflict between the principle of not killing and not killing bad people. If you have spare energy, you can naturally choose to keep your hands when subduing bad people, and the punishment of bad people is handed over to the people and the government. Generally speaking If serious damage is caused, the death penalty will be executed, and the prisoner will be punished under the conditions of procedural justice.

It's a pity that the government in this play looks like an empty shell, and it's no wonder that Walter is thinking about replacing it.

Lost American Dream

Sheldon and Utopian, whatever their identity, is a real idealist. It seems that he himself is the embodiment of an American fantasy.

He was born into a family of big capitalists and maintained optimistic and naive ideas, even though reality often hit him, but Sheldon proved the fullness of his ideals with a miracle.

You can see that he found the windmill that was missing leaves by relying on one of his phantom paintings. He went to the end of the mountain and still spent the last money to make a phone call with his fiancée. He formed an expedition team based on imagination, because His own stubbornness, he drew a gun and threatened everyone...

Sheldon will not leave any way out for himself, because he believes in the existence of miracles, and fortunately, that mysterious island like Cthulhu really exists, and everything before him can be forgiven.

But what about after that?

He rallied so many heroes and hoped that everyone would practice his creed. However, his idealism could not make the unemployment rate drop, nor could the stock market rise. He might be able to prevent war from destroying mankind, but he could not prevent economic and political Society falls apart. To a certain extent, he is just a big idol. If you say that Utopians are really useful, he can indeed inspire a generation, but more often, he is just a hero who can help people save cats from trees .

The contemporary country in the play is actually in jeopardy, just like the company of the Sheldon family in 1929, but Sheldon chooses to blindly believe that, in this way, neither the company nor the country can be saved.

After all, miracles don't always happen.

Therefore, your choice In the face of such an era, idealism seems to be incomparably vain and powerless. If you choose its opposite, it must be what Cerepo Walter advocates: joining the WTO and saving the market.

Set a good route for the country, use their superpowers to calculate and improve people's livelihood. The original intention is actually good, but rights can easily lead to disorientation, and disoriented superheroes are especially scary.

This returns to the original intention of the utopians to formulate the precepts. Therefore, the choices of these two extremes actually have their unpredictable risks. The overly idealized inaction and the overly ambitious political participation are actually not the optimal solutions. It seems that finding a balance between them can be a perfect solution.

However, the beast that has eaten a little sweetness will not stop at the edge of the pond of honey, it will definitely jump into it and suck it until it drowns itself.

At this time, I can see how wise Hatch, who is an ordinary person but has an artifact, and Chloe, who chooses to have fun, are wise.

To be a salted fish can avoid this unsolvable problem.

Ah, by the way, America in the show is about to collapse, but China seems to be pretty good, you see, little sister Chloe has secretly learned Chinese.

"Are you kidding me?"

I actually understood the Mandarin spoken by foreigners without subtitles.

Congrats, congratulations.

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