That night, how should I face...

Lesly 2022-03-18 09:01:02

That night, how should I face...

Before I watched this film, there were a lot of definitions around. The Internet, friends, colleagues, etc., all expressed their attitudes towards this and that in their own way, which affected me to some extent. Fortunately, after watching the movie, my various thoughts, feelings and attitudes were not restricted and restricted by my surroundings.

In the already released special edition of Palladium, the double ending content is enough to make more excited audiences feel the difference of the director. The other ending is only adjusted in the final details, not a chapter change, and after personally reading it, I think that the presentation of each ending will give the previous story another level of performance and language, and In comparison, I personally prefer the ending of the first version, which is more complete with the story.

From the point of view of the film itself, its unique lens language and compact rhythm have shown that the film is quite exciting. Today, when the picture is piled up with vision, this form of expression has powerfully captured the hearts of every audience. Unlike previous disaster movies, the beginning of the story and the lens in the lens end in the lens in the previous lens. A handheld camera with a sense of historical responsibility has witnessed a void of history, describing a relationship and the escape and confrontation of some people.

I don't want to describe the shooting, lens, special effects and disaster effects of the film too much here. These can be obtained completely through the Internet, and all kinds of detailed information are enough to make you watch for a week, and you can even download many songs of the film on overseas sites. The trend of the film is sufficient to meet various needs. However, this is not What I want, at the end of the film, left me the most thinking about how I will face that night.

How will I face that night.

I must admit that many of the following languages ​​have been separated from the film or attributed to the extended thinking of the film. If you want to watch it, if you feel bored, go to the film.

The story ends when a lover once recorded a beautiful moment, a sweet smile and hopeful expectation. Is this a kind of eternity? When the rocks were scattered and the bombing struck, how many people's hearts were touched by each other's words, "I love you." Many friends and colleagues watched the film with curiosity and visual stimuli about the disaster film. In all the discussions, it was about how to avoid, how to escape, how to give up all kinds of conjectures, and continue all the speculations after the film. But I threw everything into a lover's love. Obviously, the result was not the perfection that I expected. Fate eventually took everything, and tragedy fell.

Friends farewell party, unsuspecting night, people are still indulging in the familiar world, feeling everything happening around them: love, friendship, lovesickness... However, it is such a night, but it has taken away a city and those around them. Familiar figure. The advent of disaster has never been given a warning, and at this moment, people are often at a loss. Reason was taken away by fear, helplessness was overwhelmed by selfish hiding, and flight became the last survivor in my mind.

Some are eager to escape, some record their existence, some bravely face it, perhaps, only when disasters occur, the many aspects of human nature will be fully revealed before our eyes. Disaster tests everything. Just as the male host has no hesitation when he learns that his lover is in a place of despair, and like a friend who is struggling to move forward together, at such a time, what choice will we make, when friends are successively taken away by such disasters. At that time, what made the male protagonist insist on his choice? I think the mantra at the end of the film, "I love you", told us everything.

Putting aside all the stories laid out before, an unforgettable love is right in front of us. Faced with the choice of disaster, we are feeling and moved on the way to follow for love...

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Cloverfield quotes

  • Rob: It's like a nightmare! It's like a nightmare!

  • Hud: If this is the last thing you see... that means I died.