Non-my family, its heart must be different

Kristofer 2022-02-07 15:00:59

The Addams were obviously different. But everyone should have their own personality. Rebellion on the outside does not mean viciousness on the inside, and kindness does not necessarily mean good-hearted. All people have their own personalities, and everyone should embrace the diversity of all people.

Wait, you are looking at things from the perspective of God, because not only can you see the outside of the Addams family, but you also installed a camera in his house like Margaux to see their hearts. But if you pull your vision back to yourself, what if one day you go to meet the blind date introduced by your relatives, and it's Frankenstein, or the boyfriend your daughter brings back is Edward Scissorhands.

Of course, the inside is more important than the outside, so if you love someone, you won't care whether he is an engineer or a cleaner, whether he earns tens of thousands of dollars a month or just enough for food and clothing. But if the main premise is that you see him on the first day and don't know anything about him, then judging people by appearance is not prejudice, but only seeing. Therefore, those who come back from blind dates complaining that women only ask about cars and houses, and that men only look at their bodies and faces are unreasonable.

People are grouped together by similar things. People instinctively reject different living conditions and ways of thinking from their own. This is more risk aversion than exclusion. Give your limited social energy to those with a better first impression, and you are more likely to make friends. Or by deliberately avoiding people who make a bad first impression, you are less likely to be in danger. Of course, there will be misjudgments here, and there are many beasts and cold-hearted enthusiasts, but the existence of probability is still somewhat meaningful.

All the male characters in the Addams family are quite lively, although they are a bit silly, but they are actually no different from ordinary people. The charm is all in the two women, Wednesday is cold and cool, but not hypocritical, rebellious just right, and sober and alone. Morticia not only has her own personality, but also looks quite decent. She has the arrogance of the head of the family, but also shows thoughtfulness and delicacy from time to time. And if I said I thought she was pretty, wouldn't it be weird.

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The Addams Family quotes

  • Wednesday Addams: How I wish something would lighten up this already tedious day.

    [a tree throws Pugsley through a window]

    Wednesday Addams: Thanks for trying, Ichabod.

  • Morticia Addams: [to Wednesday] Don't forget to kick your father goodnight.