Some philosophic inquiry on the movie of el bar

Marjolaine 2022-10-05 08:00:53

1. After the movie started, a group of people, including a middle-aged man who collects underwear, gambles every day, a middle-aged woman with financial constraints, and a young heroine Elena have their own troubles in their daily lives. The middle-aged woman buys some vegetables and fruits. The middle-aged man said he was under great pressure, and the heroine Elena was very worried and was about to go on a date because he couldn't find a boyfriend. However, they were all alive, living in the crowd, with expectations, and more. Disappointed, but alive while complaining.

2. The heroine Elena was talking on the phone and walking on the crowded street. She only paid attention to her own phone communication and ignored the living conditions of the people around her. A middle-aged woman handed her a flower and grass that seemed to be a mascot. Then she took it casually, and threw it back immediately, not paying attention to the woman who had just given her the mascot, nor the flower. Then the woman who handed her the flowers began to abuse her because she was supposed to sell them instead of giving them away for free on the street. Women call Elena a lost tooth, a bitch, and curses and moral condemnation for those who don't fulfill our desires.

3. A dirty and sloppy person slept in a garbage dump on the street and was chased away by two policemen. He belonged to the marginalized of society and was a representative of abnormal human beings. The abnormal human here refers to people who are different from the above people. All have certain economic ability, and have their own desires and pains. In a certain way, he is a sociopath, someone who does not live according to social rules and social concepts.

4. All of these are presented in a noisy street, and the director shows the daily life of each person in a very short period of time. All of them will enter an emergency, anomalous living environment.

5. The hostess Elena's phone battery was dead. She pushed open the glass door of a bar and wanted to borrow a charger. Everyone looked at her, so she quickly scanned everyone's situation. The bartender was very enthusiastic and took out a lot. The cable, said that it is left over by the guests, people always lose things in their lives.

6. Suddenly a homeless man broke in, shouting and slamming on the glass door. He was just driven away by the police, and the female boss reassured him, and he was temporarily stable.

7. A middle-aged fat man coughed into the bar and pointed to the toilet to the boss, explaining that he was not here for consumption. Others hated his cough because he coughed very badly. The boss thought he was here to borrow the toilet. I hate that kind of person who makes a mess of the toilet without consuming. He tells everyone that if he uses the toilet and does not consume, he will have to mop his face, which is actually threatening others to consume.

8. The middle-aged woman walked straight into the bar. Obviously she was very familiar with it. She took out the money she just prepared to pay for groceries but didn't pay for change. She used the change to go to the gambling machine to gamble, while the male protagonist used it like no one else. Headphones shield the external world and immerse yourself in the world of yourself. Then the middle-aged man entered the bar with an exquisite briefcase with a password.

9. Before the heroine Elena entered the bar, the camera position was not fixed. The follow-up shooting method was adjusted according to the behavior of the heroine Elena, and the situation of each person was scanned in a concentrated and rapid manner, highlighting the characteristics of each person. Haste, implying the messiness and disorder of society.

10. After the heroine Elena entered the bar, the camera position was not fixed, and everyone was scanned with different shooting angles.

11. Suddenly, gunshots rang out outside the bar. Pedestrians on the street were very frightened. A man fell to the ground. Blood flowed from his head to the ground. It looked like a very brutal killing act with a headshot. This is an emergency, everyone looks out, except for the male protagonist who is still immersed in his own world, people are terrified and know nothing about the situation outside. Suddenly the bustling crowd on the street was gone, empty.

12. The gambling woman was very frightened and kept crying there; the tramp used a religious way to bless the dead.

13. The sanitation workers who went out to rescue were also shot in the head and fell to the ground; this time, the people hiding in the bar were even more panicked, hiding and prostrate on the ground.

14. Whitebeard was dissatisfied with the behavior of the homeless before. When everyone was crawling on the ground to prevent being shot, only the homeless was still standing there. Above ground, it is the enforcement of antisocial behavior by social conformity. When the tramp made his comments, Whitebeard stopped him, but the tramp said he could do whatever he wanted, and I said whatever I wanted, no one could care about me. He said he had something to do, go to church, get up and get out of the bar, which is the fearless spiritual power that religion gives. The bar owner persuaded the homeless to live in by arranging food. The homeless had two purposes, one was religion, and the other was basic material means of subsistence. When everyone watched in horror at the murder scene outside the bar, he came from the bar. Take out the wine to drink inside, not paying attention to the situation outside. When the bar owner promised to give him food, he listened very obediently to the bar owner and stopped going to church. He has always succumbed to other needs before material temptations.

15. From the killing of the second person, they infer that the murderer may be a lunatic or a terrorist, and they may all be killed. This inference makes them panic and nervous.

16. With some consent, they turned on the TV and there was no news about two people being shot in the street, and then they started to rationalize why it wasn't reported. First of all they expected that the TV show should, or would cover the event, which is why they turned on the TV. One explanation is that the news hasn't arrived on the hour, one is that the murderer has not been caught, so it will not be reported; if it is reported, many idiots will come to see the scene; According to his experience, there was a robbery here last time, and this empirical speculation has no basis, because he did not see the murderer grab anything, but directly shot and killed;

17. Whitebeard was very dissatisfied when the homeless urinated on the spot. He has always appeared as a maintainer of order. At first, he emphasized that everyone should be prostrate, and now he is condemning and accusing the uncivilized behavior of the homeless;

18. First of all, the gambling girl found that the bodies of the two people who had just died were gone, and the picture was cut to the TV show. In fact, this scene means that everyone wants to divert their attention, but such a horrific incident cannot be diverted. The bar owner Immediately expressed dissatisfaction with the disappearance of the corpse, thinking that the transferor should inform them; the gambling woman thought they should care about the people in the bar;

19. The hostess said that usually she would not come to such a place because she wanted to charge her mobile phone; the bar owner retorted, thinking that various places cannot be on the table?

20. The bartender thought it was a dream, they were all dreaming, he was trying to escape reality, and guessed that the government was doing a crisis management test.

21. Whitebeard thinks that the two people who have just been shot were killed randomly, not a way of killing someone with a specific target, but the heroine said that they were not shot randomly, there may be some kind of relationship between them, clean What is the relationship between sanitation workers and office workers? Whitebeard denies their connection; as long as someone walks out of the bar and is shot to death, Whitebeard concludes that the killer must be outside; the man in the panties thinks the murderer may also be in the bar, because the police are chasing people inside the bar, he continues It is speculated that the people in the bar may be terrorists. In order to eliminate the terrorists, the police would rather shoot all the people who came out. It can be seen how dangerous this terrorist is, and why the people on the street disappeared because they were forcibly evacuated by the police; and further It is speculated that the terrorists are carrying explosive packs,

22. The male protagonist heard that it was a dynamite bag, and his expression became unnatural, because he brought a backpack, and then he tried to move the backpack with his feet many times to avoid being seen by others, but ultimately failed;

23. Regarding the speculation that terrorists placed explosive packs, the heroine objected, and believed that the government would not give up the lives of 8 people because of terrorists, while the man in underwear said that if sacrificing 8 people can save 200 people, 500 people, then the government will not give up 8 people's lives. What will be done? The homeless said that something similar happened in Chechnya before. The Chechen police blocked the entire theater and killed all the people inside, including terrorists and hostages.

24. The male protagonist's abnormal behavior caused everyone to start to notice him. He stayed away from them and was alone in the corner of the bar, looking nervous. The man with the white beard and underwear grabbed him and found that the bag was filled with sports clothes and a portable hard drive. The female protagonist was angry The ground smashed the hard drive with his foot, and then confirmed that he was not carrying a pack of explosives. The heroine expresses indignation at the unfounded suspicion of others.

25. What is the behavior of the male protagonist? He's not actually a terrorist, why is he so nervous, he doesn't want any suspicion, since some people thought the terrorist was in the bar, the infighting started. The male protagonist who was proven innocent began to suspect the underwear man's password briefcase, and then the underwear man denied the guess. The male protagonist was actually taking revenge on others, rather than understanding others based on his being misunderstood.

26. The man in the underwear refused to open the briefcase. When the man in the underwear slapped the bartender in the face, the white beard took out his mobile phone and pointed it at the man in the underwear. The homeless man grabbed the briefcase, and the homeless sang songs and touched the official documents. The combination lock on the bag suddenly opened the briefcase to everyone, and the women's fashionable panties and underwear were scattered all over the floor. Everyone sighed again, and it was confirmed that the man in underwear was not a terrorist. The secret of his sexual preferences is known to everyone. Everyone has secrets and they don't want to be known by others.

27. There was a sudden noise. They found that the noise came from the toilet, but no one opened the door in the toilet. The door was locked from the inside. some information about this person.

28. The heroine found a syringe on the floor of the toilet

29. A police car came to the street. The policeman in protective suit placed the tire on the position of the two people who had just died, then set it on fire, completely ignoring the calls of the people in the bar, got in the car and left.

30. The gambling girl continued to play the gambling machine alone. The male and female protagonists started chatting, and the white beard and the man in underwear also began to chat. The plot became soothing. The original strangers began to understand each other. Whitebeard said that when opinions changed In many cases, only violence can solve the problem, holding a pistol and saying; everyone has troubles in life, not as happy and high-end in the eyes of others, the male protagonist even said that he does not want to work in the advertising business in the future, but The female protagonist is very envious of the male protagonist's work, and thinks it should be very interesting and happy. The heroine is centered on love, and this is the key content of her life, and she is still striving for it.

31. The bar owner said that she would not die because she did not touch any part of the body of the deceased

32. The male protagonist and the bartender were robbing the mobile phone, and when both of them fell down because the table was rotten, the gambling machine exploded and the coins fell out continuously. Used it; this is when she began to understand the use of money, in fact, she has been gambling money;

33. Everyone began to divide into two factions, one was those who had contact with the dead body, and the other was not. Their interests began to become different, they were opposed to each other, a split began, and a new small team was established;

34. The homeless man has been talking about religious dogma, the bar owner has given up any faith, scolded the homeless man, and when a pistol was pointed at him, he gave in, the man in underwear changed his so-called democratic attitude, thinking that shooting Dead bum is a once and for all thing, it is recommended to shoot;

35. In the basement, they began to discuss the troubles of their daily life again, this time 5 people discussed the problem together,

36. When they found a sewer entrance, the homeless decided to go down alone,

37. Fear exposes our nature, we are like little mice, everything is deceitful.

38. The homeless found 4 vaccines, but there were 5 people who needed to be vaccinated. New contradictions arose. There was no consensus on how to distribute the vaccines; , injected 1 vaccine by himself, the male protagonist was very angry and severely attacked the homeless. During the fight, the homeless man snatched the male protagonist's pistol, the vaccine rolled into the basement, and the gambling girl picked up the vaccine, but accidentally dropped it into the sewer, and hope was gone again; there are 3 vaccines left, which 4 people need After the injection, they united again and let the heroine go into the sewers to find the vaccine,

39. The heroine picked up the vaccine, and all the people watching her at the sewer mouth asked to give it to them, but the heroine refused, and now their goal is to chase the heroine before they can get the vaccine;

40. The male protagonist fought with the homeless in the sewers and grabbed the pistol. Now he asked the female protagonist to provide him with vaccines, but the female protagonist refused to provide them. There is no need for the rest to fight for the vaccine;

41. When walking in the dark, the bartender fell into the sewer. The gambling woman pretended to rescue the bartender, but actually pressed the bartender's head in the water, trying to drown the bartender. The male and female protagonists saw through and rescued them. After meeting the bartender, the gambling girl confessed to trying to kill the bartender. The bartender expressed her views on the gambling girl, believing that she was living in vain. The gambling girl suddenly found out that her life was meaningless, and asked the male protagonist to kill her when they heard After the gunshot, they cried a little, and then the male protagonist said that the 3 vaccines were divided equally by the 3 people;

42. They heard the sound of coins, which is impossible, so they went to find where the sound of coins came from, and found the gambling girl lying there with a coin on each eye, which was impossible, There must be other people in this sewer;

43. The homeless man suddenly appeared behind the bartender, holding a steel pipe, and knocked the bartender down the drain. The bartender died; he continued to chase the male and female protagonists. Now the problem is not the vaccine, but the homeless and the male. The hatred and vengeance of the Lord is gone;

44. In the end, the male protagonist was chased by the homeless. The female protagonist continued to walk on the iron ladder. The female protagonist shouted the glass bottle of the vaccine. Because of the fright, the glass vaccine bottle fell from her mouth into the sewer. He was caught up by the homeless, gave up his life, gave the vaccine to the heroine, and then fell into the sewer with the homeless and died. The heroine was injected with the vaccine, and climbed out of the sewer with difficulty, and then looked blank walking down the crowded streets. After going through so much, maybe her attitude towards the people around her is different from before. She didn't care that she was dirty all over, wearing only underwear, and walking on the street blankly. A woman gave her a coat, and the hostess put on a coat. jacket.

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The Bar quotes

  • Nacho: What the hell's up with you now?

    Elena: I don't like being threatened.

    Nacho: [Holding a gun] Who the hell is threatening you?