
Demetris 2022-01-27 08:05:00

Liking an action star seems to be an original sin in the eyes of some young literary and artistic people, which shows that your level of aesthetics is the level of watching a group of muscular men without acting skills fight each other without brains. When I was a kid I loved action movies so much that now every time they made The Expendables to cheat money I would willingly buy it. When I grew up, I felt that action movies seemed a little less advanced, and my impression of Stallone stopped at the invincible Rambo and the tragic legend that he was rejected by Hollywood a thousand times when he was young (too fake), I probably remembered at that time Legend has it that his script that was rejected a thousand times was called "Rocky". It was not until one day when I was in college that I was so bored in the dormitory that I clicked on "Rocky" which had been lying on the hard drive for a long time.

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Creed quotes

  • Adonis Johnson: I can train at your house.

    Rocky Balboa: No I don't know nobody's been to my house in a long time you might be uncomfortable there.

    Adonis Johnson: What, do you walk around naked?

  • Adonis Johnson: [after finding one of Paulie's old porno magazines] Alright Paulie!