A series of operations of revenge murder are very slippery

Al 2022-09-28 11:08:17

Very good revenge plot and nonsense, the clips I saw on Douyin came over and watched it, I didn't introduce it, but it can be regarded as a qualified thriller. The episodes I recalled after robbing a bank are more exciting. Personal heroism is still popular with everyone, but the law is indeed the law. I met a strange couple at the airport, and was stunned by a strange driver. When I woke up, I lost a leg. It was quite abrupt, and then started a series of operations. The knife stabbed the ear to kill the driver, the nail gun killed the family, and the big stick stabbed the driver. Dead ogre, really cool, a series of revenge movies have, bloody suddenly dark humor. In the end, there is still a suspense. It seems that the heroine really has this gene, and their family is more fortunate than fortune.

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Bloody Hell quotes

  • Rex: [while arguing with himself] Or the most fucked up coincidence in history

    Rex: [to Pati holding his severed leg with it's jagged bone] You want it?

    [as Pati bear hugs him]

    Rex: You Want It?

    [lifts his severed limb up high]

    Rex: EAT IT PATI

    [and rams it down Pati's throat, making the bone burst out of the back of his head]

  • Rex: [arguing with himself] Let me ask you something why Finland? Of all the places in the world why did you choose Finland? Of all the fucking places, why did you have to pick fucking Finland? Fuck... FUCK

    Rex: [to himself] You should've said you're Finished... because they're Fins