The confession of the former "mean girl"

Sincere 2022-01-25 08:03:26

It's very touching to watch a movie late at night, so just write and write.

As a person who used to be mean girls and belonged to wannabees, what I want to say is that I have also been bully. Although it is two different stages and it is incredible to say that, the environment really affects people. Just like when I was mean girls, my best friend was Queenbee in our circle. She has many bad habits. She made me believe that bullying others is very happy, and to be honest, it’s really cool and really makes people feel. You can ruin a people's mood when you act, but these damn behaviors make me confess when I grow up, and I feel ashamed every time I think about it. She is too. In fact, we mainly bully a boy who has a crush on me. She made me believe that the boy was a loser and a fool, and used his kindness to me to benefit both of us. Thinking about it now, it is more that she uses me to profit for herself. But how could I understand it back then? I am innocent, but I will not say that I am innocent. Because I know I did something wrong but I am still doing it. I even have a good feeling for that boy, but I don’t want my queenbee to hate me because of this, because once I can honestly feel that I feel for him, then I’m in the eyes of queenbee. Here will also be a loser. This is the human psychology, a person you aspire to be will make you willing to give everything to get her approval. I was that stupid one. (This is why I think the followers of Gretchen and Regina have this mentality, I hope I can help you understand)

Later I left this mean girl friend, and I came to a new environment to meet new people. I was bullied for a short time because I was a threat to the new queenbee, (because she thinks my face is a threat to her. I am not boasting, in fact, I always think she looks better than me, but she is still jealous of me. Why do I know? Because she mainly slandered my appearance in front of boys, saying that I was not as good-looking as her, but never said that to other girls. Note: She just said that I was not as good-looking as her but not that I was ugly, so it proved that she knew me in the opposite direction What is the threat to her.) There was even one physical harm (she also asked me to act as a follower, but I did not let her control it. After experiencing mean girl life, I only thought about simple life, because This is the real me. I was taken badly before. My essence is not like that. But all the people I saw just stood there and watched things happen and then ended, even my new good friend at the time, she did nothing. I wouldn’t say that I was innocent, but at the time I deeply understood one thing, that is that silent people are also perpetrators. The worst thing is that they will not even be slandered by others, because everyone only pays attention to the perpetrator and The violent person! And those who don't come forward to watch the show are the majority of people in life.

Come back to myself. Nowadays, girls who have bullied others have also been violent. I guess this is the ending that everyone wants to see. Although my level of violence is really much lighter than that described in this movie. The main reason is that I am optimistic by nature and I have not been beaten down. I have always had a positive attitude, without depression or committing suicide. And I had a violent meal to let that person know that I am not a little sheep. (I can describe this in more detail. My previous mean girl behaviors were all based on my friends asking me to do it, and they all did this imperceptibly to assimilate me with them. I accepted it so that queenbee likes it too. I, because I was a person who wanted to be popular at the time and had many friends. Because I was young and thought it was a great thing... When I left them, I found that I was not that kind of girl at all. I used to be the fascinated Katie, I learned their behavior because doing these things in our circle is not strange, and will give you the illusion that what I do is normal) Maybe someone sees me As the perpetrator in mean girls, I feel I deserve it. Yes, it may be so. My guilt is true, otherwise, why should I write these things to express my confession? Why not throw away the bad past and forget it and pretend that your adolescence is not stupid? Every time I think about what I have done to them, although it is not so serious, it hurts their hearts. This feeling causes me to think of them and remember what I have done. So conscientious wannabees and even queenbees will live in regret instead of losing emotion. I didn't want to wash it off. I have done it, and I can't cover it up. Just like the small experience of being bully, I can't forget it. It makes me deeply aware of how stupid I have been.

I feel very strange, how many people can experience both at the same time? I have it all. So I found that I can consider mean girls’ motivation and “losers” mentality at the same time, god this is so weird.

The other thing is to never feel that women are not as aggressive as those shown in movies. Believe me, you just don't pose a threat to them.

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Mean Girls quotes

  • Gretchen: I mean no offense, but how could she send you a candy cane? She doesn't even like you that much. Maybe she feels weird around me because I'm the only person who knows about her nose job. Oh my god, pretend you didn't hear that.

  • Girl in wheelchair: I don't hate you because you're fat. You're fat because I hate you.