Documentary "Beautiful Things: Heidi Rama": Even with peerless genius and beauty, it's hard to live a good life

Valentin 2022-11-14 07:56:59

You may be a little unfamiliar with this name, but you must be familiar with wifi on your mobile phone, GPS, and Bluetooth. The inspiration for these inventions comes from the protagonist of today's documentary: Heidi Rama. In addition to the title of "the mother of wifi", she is also the glamorous enchantress of "The Overlord", and has played countless stunners and romantic queens. When the world only pays attention to her appearance and figure, cares about her scandals and privacy, and believes that beauty and wisdom cannot have both, the story of Heidi Rama will definitely make people fall behind countless glasses.

Heidi Lamar, whose real name was Heidi Kiesler, was born in Vienna, Austria in 1914. His father was a bank director and his mother was a pianist. And her interest in science also sprouted at an early age. Her father taught her how things work, and she herself was keen on dismantling music boxes. In Vienna's Jewish ghetto, she grew up as a child in a romantic and artistic atmosphere: playing the piano, dancing, and watching operas were her everyday routines. At the age of 16, Heidi decided to go to the largest local film studio. At the age of 18, Heidi made a shocking movie - "Crazy". It was this movie that made her the first actress in history to appear naked and the first actress to perform an orgasm in a movie. The emergence of this film laid the foundation for her future life. Heidi married the Austrian arms dealer Fritz Mandel shortly after, and then the price of the marriage was freedom, and she fled to England posing as a maid at a dinner party.

During World War II, when Austria fell, MGM boss Louis Mayer bought actors who escaped Nazi rule at a low price, and Heidi Lamar was dissatisfied with the price, and immediately bought a ticket for the same boat with Louis Mayer, while her The appearance caught everyone's attention, and Louis Mayer succeeded Heidi Lamar for $500 a week. The movie "Brave Concubine" she participated in was also a huge success, becoming the film second only to "Gone with the Wind" at that time.

In addition to her heavy work in Hollywood, Heidi is still keen to invent. She invented an "effervescent cola", and with the largest aircraft manufacturer in the United States, combined the shapes of birds and fish to transform the shape of the wings of the aircraft, and also invented "with the pianist George Ansel" Frequency hopping", this is "spread spectrum communication technology", she is also called "the mother of Wifi", it is said that both CDMA and WiFi technologies are inspired by this technology. The invention was recognized and patented by the National Invention Council, and Heidi donated it to the country. Unfortunately, the Navy recognized this invention as absurd and believed that her value was only in using her beauty to raise bonds for the country, Others think her idea was plagiarized. Years later, Heidi found that her invention was used in the military, and the inventor of wireless-to-ground communication also paid tribute to Heidi. During this period, Heidi experienced several failed marriages, and also made several films but the response was mediocre, which made her run out of money and could only live on welfare in her later years. The doctor lied that the methamphetamine injected into him made her into a frantic state. She frequently had plastic surgery, and even got caught in a case of shoplifting, and finally had to live in isolation.

As Heidi said, no one realized her true worth. Under the dazzling appearance, as a woman, her talents are more likely to be underestimated. And Heidi was never a fragile pretty vase. Amid people's doubts, Heidi left a strong mark in the process of science and technology.

From another perspective, Heidi's experience makes people think about the unfair treatment of women. If Heidi were a man, would people still speculate on her talent because of her looks, and whether her talent would be limited to raising bonds in exchange for kisses. The answer is obvious. Beauty is the reward, not the constraint, of genius, and the priorities of appearance and intelligence have reversed between men and women.

As ordinary people, we often hope that we have beauty and wisdom, and it is possible that even with peerless genius and beauty, it is difficult to have a good life.

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Extended Reading

Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story quotes

  • [last lines]

    Hedy Lamarr - Self: [voice over] I'll read you something pretty. "People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered - love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, alternative motives - do good anyway. The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest minds - think big anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight - build anyway. Give the world the best you have and you'll be kicked into the teeth - give the world the best you've got anyway."