The dark viewing process

Garfield 2022-11-16 02:51:47

21025 just finished watching the first season and haven't watched any commentary. Let me talk about my feelings now. It's just that from the UP master that this TV series is about the subject of time travel, and that there are no bugs, I am very interested. Interspersed in the three years of 53, 86, and 19, the relationship between the characters and the names of the characters have been memorized for a long time. Fortunately, most of the relationship between the characters has been sorted out clearly. I had long guessed that the man next to the hero was himself. There are multiple selves in the past time and space, and the past and the future will influence each other. It is difficult to imagine how this plot can develop without bugs. Thinking of the creed, characters need to travel in reverse time to return to the past, which may be a bit more reasonable instead of direct transmission. Through the fragmented information, I know that this film is a time cycle, which will be broken in the end. The male lead of the first season has traveled to the future. I am looking forward to the future development of the plot and excitedly wrote down my feelings at this time.

Watching the second season on the 8th. Good guy, vaguely guessed that Adam is the hero, which didn't bring me much shock (calm). But the end hinted that Xia Di and the dumb girl turned out to be mothers and daughters. It was a long time to see. Even if someone tells you to change your trajectory in the future, you still cannot avoid your personal desires. Everyone follows their own desires. What happens will happen and you can't change it. What happened happen. The male protagonist can sacrifice his father, and the white devil sacrificed his father. Most people’s behavioral motives are not so convincing. They can sacrifice everything for their children, even themselves. There are two ways to traverse, one cave and one machine, which can span a hundred years. Time travellers interspersed with each other, and multiple selves can exist in the same time and space and influence each other. The future you taught me to cross, and I taught the young you to cross, who is the beginning? It's strange that there are no bugs in this kind of drama. The elderly Adam believes that to abandon the emotions and desires, anyone can sacrifice to have the opportunity to break the cycle or create a new world. What kind of future is this future? The plot is a bit slow, and the relationship between the characters like squeezing toothpaste is revealed, and I feel a little tired and there are no bright spots.

On the 10th, fast-forward the whole third season to finish watching, and the food is tasteless. Most of the shots reproduce the previous plot settings, which are predictable and fast forward. Just create a parallel world, and repeat the previous plot, confusion, and water. There is a little change, but it basically has no effect on the plot and can be deleted. Then there is the feeling of the heroine to the heroine is quite inexplicable. I don't understand how this cycle is produced.

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