The director's biggest bug is that everyone just waits for the best one

Abbey 2022-03-10 08:01:05

What is the world to be ruled by?

law? force? Superman?

In this film, there seems to be no law at all.

The force seems to be quite powerful, and even Superman can easily stand up to him if he has mastered the army.

Then, an even more powerful Superman appeared and took control of the army.

Then, a more powerful little girl appeared. Fortunately, she was a good person, so she easily defeated the bad superman.

Look, what kind of force, super powers are not good, only the one with the most powerful mutation can easily win.

If this development continues, a stronger mutant will appear tomorrow, and the little black girl will be smashed as soon as she makes a move, and it turns out that this is just a bad guy.

Then don't we have to wait for a more powerful mutant, the premise is that he is a good mutant.

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Extended Reading

The Darkest Minds quotes

  • Ruby Daly: Soon there wouldn't be any kids anywhere. The government wasn't afraid of what happened to the ones that didn't make it. They were afraid of us, because the ones that survived changed.

  • Cate: Ruby, you are very rare, among the most powerful.