"Romeo and Juliet"

Lelia 2022-03-15 09:01:03

Romeo's Perspective------Fate, I Don't Listen To You Anymore

A chance encounter allowed me to see these charming eyes. For the arrival of this moment, I also prayed in front of the Buddha for 500 years. When we enjoyed the swimming fish together, we became connected, like a rope that could not be untied, even if we died together. .

The hatred between the two families is like a knife, like a sword, and like a halberd. If you want to split our knot, why! ! ! Why! ! ! If you insist on doing this, I will resist to the end!

With every kiss, not only is the lips moving, but the heart also seems to be connecting the branches. You are my love god, I was hit by Cupid's arrow, and I have loved you deeply since then. Loving you is not only the love you see with your eyes, but more importantly, love with your heart.

I don’t know if the temple can live the rest of my life in peace after marrying you. I only know that when I don’t see you, I will miss you when I walk, and I will miss you when I sit. Even if I meet you in a storm, I think it’s a gift from God.

Love you, I can give everything, even if I lose my life; love you, let me realize that water can fill my stomach; love you, I can not believe that the sky is blue; love you, drive me to climb over the wall to find you . Every time we kiss goodbye, it is as sad as going to school in elementary school, a night apart is like a century; meeting is like the joy of school, under the moonlight, with you and me, intertwined, every second time is beautiful, I really want time to be frozen in a beautiful moment forever.

I was hysterical for you after learning that you were dead - fate I won't listen to you!! ! Thousands of troops can't stop me from going to the temple to find you, because my love for you is as deep as the sea, and I have the courage to commit suicide by taking poison. The source of living water, when I am lost in the dark, illuminate the way forward for me; you are my heart lamp, only belong to my blooming flower~~~

Thousands of words can't express my love for you, may night fall with you and my soul.

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Romeo + Juliet quotes

  • Father Laurence: [wedding Romeo and Juliet] These violent delights have violent ends, and in there triumph die like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume. The sweetest honey is loathsome in its own deliciousness. Therefore, love moderately.

  • Romeo: [refusing to fight] Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee doth much excuse the appertaining rage to such a greeting. Villain am I none. Therefore farewell. I see thou knowest me not.