A very successful suspense film, I hold injustice for it!

Al 2022-03-19 09:01:04

If you know a thing or two about the plot before watching the movie or are influenced by some introduction, it is estimated that you will lose most of the fun of the movie!
After watching this film, it took more than half a year to store it on the hard disk after downloading. The memory of this film before watching it is only why the protagonist's life is full of the supernatural number 23. I admit that I came for Jim Carrey, Of course, Jim Carrey in this film is not the exaggerated and funny guy we remembered in the past. He is called a transformational work by everyone. As for the failure, we disagree!
First of all I'm a number sensitive person, so numbers are of great interest to me in the film, most of the scenes in the film revolve around the book "the number 23", and within a few days of this The appearance of this book has changed all the living conditions of the protagonist, so that in the narration at the beginning of the film, if the dog was not met that day, that day was not late, that day his wife did not get that "23", "If I'm not a person who likes what if" Walter's life won't become so unrecognizable in a few days or something, his memories won't be awakened, his mind won't be tormented by "23" again, time and characters are realized It is very orderly, unlike some suspense films that rely on the jump of the camera or the constant change of time or the intricacy of the characters to confuse the audience's audio-visual, and in the end, only the infamy of being fooled is exchanged!
And at this time, if you are not confused by the hint of walter killing his wife in the introduction, without doubting walter, the edge of the plot suddenly points to his wife Agatha, which really shocked me, I think if the story is here Continuing around his wife Agatha, the plot should be more exciting and full, but as the truth came further, "the number 23" was actually written by wlater himself, and then he thought of split personality, and everything was solved later, it turned out that wlater Suicide did not lead to amnesia, but his birthday 13 years later caused him to fall into a panic of 23 again. Most of what was written in the book was fantasy, except for killing Laura.
I think it succeeds in being suspenseful, but it lacks too much description and meaninglessness of the virtual world in the book and not enough connection with the reality of the film. Later, all the truth came out, and the director was very careful. Endings Speaking of Maybe it's not the happiest of endings, but it's the right one!
Be sure your sin will find you out! This sentence seems very useless and does not match the theme.

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Extended Reading

The Number 23 quotes

  • Walter Sparrow: Of course time is just a counting system... numbers with meanings attached to them.

  • Walter Sparrow: You're Topsy Kretts...

    Agatha Sparrow: [Flashback] He may not even be a man.


    Agatha Sparrow: Please don't make me do this...

    Walter Sparrow: Do what, Ag? Why'd you do this?

    [dumps out her purse]

    Walter Sparrow: Who am I LIVING WITH?

    Walter Sparrow: [finding a knife in her purse, laughing in disbelief] What's this for, Ag? What are you going to do with this?

    Agatha Sparrow: I... I took it to protect us. From... whoever we were going to meet at the mailbox facility.

    Walter Sparrow: Intending to kill that poor old man who you got to publish your book? To protect your little secret?

    Agatha Sparrow: [Flashback] I'll take care of it!

    Walter Sparrow: [Present] He was ALIVE before you sent us away!

    Agatha Sparrow: Robin will hear you.

    Walter Sparrow: Oh, we wouldn't want that, would we? We wouldn't want our son to know the horrible truth about his mother!

    Robin Sparrow: [walks in] Mom? Dad? What's going on?

    Walter Sparrow: She's Topsy Kretts; she wrote the book!

    Agatha Sparrow: No, it's not true. Now your father's going to put down the knife. Aren't you, Walter?

    Walter Sparrow: Tell him the truth.

    Agatha Sparrow: Walter...

    Walter Sparrow: Tell him... how you took the skeleton.

    Agatha Sparrow: Yes, Isaac and I took the skeleton...

    Robin Sparrow: You did?

    Agatha Sparrow: And I'd do it again! But I did not write the book.

    Walter Sparrow: Don't lie! 13 years. 13 years of lies! NO MORE!

    Agatha Sparrow: Don't do this to us, Walter!

    Robin Sparrow: Mom, who wrote the book?

    Walter Sparrow: Tell him who wrote it.

    Walter Sparrow: [whispering] Tell him.

    Agatha Sparrow: ...You wrote the book, Walter.