What is management? Management is to respect human nature

Karl 2022-03-19 09:01:03

The goal of management is to get results through others.

The effectiveness of management is to respect human nature.

Human nature is like a blind man touching an elephant, so ordinary yet so proud. For managers in any position and in any field, if the order is executed by a person, everyone has their own value judgments, and everyone has their own judgments (especially mental work) for the priority of a task. This is the deformation of execution. Of course, managers can look for values ​​and performers who agree with them more, but in any case, they need to explain their task release, such as explaining the reasons and purposes behind the tasks, confirming the goals and clarifying the relationship between tasks and goals, Express your opinions strongly or use a process-style normative task delivery method, etc. I first entered the Internet as a product manager, and I don’t know how to write code. All work must be passed to programmers to complete. Explaining tasks has basically become the core work content. I used to be proud of my unauthorized leadership when I went to work. force, urging progress management projects and the like.

Later, I found that I was a scumbag when I started a business. It turns out that progress and results are not because of leadership, but because of wages and a mature and complete collaborative process.

And then into all kinds of confusion and struggle. Afterwards, I reflect on myself, in fact, the core is the goal. Once you have grasped the goal, let go of the means to show everyone their magical powers. Everyone is very motivated and has a sense of achievement. You only need to manage whether the means and goals match. Explaining the goal is far more important than explaining the means. The one who explains the goal is the stronger one. Later, when interviewing intermediate managers, they will ask a question, how do you allocate ten time to what you do? Do or not? How to do the above. What to do is basically the scope of the CEO and the board of directors; a CEO must always point out the direction and focus on each goal; the scope of what to do or not is the standard to measure whether a person is a good manager; it is necessary to use various information, data and analysis to determine Explain what to do and what not to do; how to do it is an employee (no pejorative meaning, different division of labor, experts are also in this category). In the title, the meaning of life is probably 996, that is, Prometheus pushing the stone up the mountain.

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The Bridge on the River Kwai quotes

  • Colonel Green: As I've told you before, in a job like yours, even when it's finished, there's always one more thing to do.

  • Colonel Nicholson: Queer bird... even for an American.