A reflection triggered by a "slap in the face" - the first step to equal rights is the awakening of consciousness

Shyanne 2022-12-25 23:51:25


a slap

Breaking the fun atmosphere of a party

Everyone was stunned

Then it's like nothing happened...

This is the Indian movie "Slap" released at the beginning of the year

It can be seen from the one-sided and poster

This movie is about violence

domestic violence

The heroine is in free love and married to a rich second-generation, and she is a full-time wife after marriage

The seemingly happy little family began to disintegrate because of a "slap"

No one cared about this slap, but in the heart of the heroine, it was always difficult...

Her husband didn't realize his mistake at all, and finally the heroine chose to litigate for divorce

Everyone thinks "a slap in the face" is okay, and no one realizes it's wrong for a man to hit a woman. Everyone is taught that women should sacrifice for their families and that the happiness of men and children is the happiness of women. The seeds of error have taken root in people's hearts.

In the movie, the heroine insisted on defending her rights, and in the end she succeeded. Her husband realized his mistake, and everyone around him realized the problem.

There is no doubt that this is a movie with positive energy.

I can think of a few similar works right away, such as last year's popular Indian drama "Four more cups please". It also focuses on modern women in India and discusses more social issues. The screenwriter and director take contemporary urban women as the starting point, and use light comedy to express the social real problems faced by contemporary women. Women's equality, same-sex topics, sexual harassment, widowed marriage, marriage-promoting blind dates, conflict between career and family...

It is the meaning of film and television works to give people guidance and hope. So both works show the idealized side. The backgrounds of the works are the wealthy class, and their status and status are still treated unequally. So how can women in other economically weak or impoverished areas, whose economy depend entirely on their husbands, fight?

Let's take a look at the real situation of Indian women in reality. This is the social news that appeared when I searched for "India" in a public account I followed

The 2017 movie "A Woman's Revenge" was adapted from the [Delhi black bus case] that shocked the whole country of India

In September 2012, the "black bus gang rape case" that shocked the whole country occurred in New Delhi, the capital of India.

A 23-year-old female college student was tricked into taking a "black bus" belonging to a private business operator on her way home from watching a movie with her male friend. Not long after the two got into the car, they were beaten by five men in the car. The male victim was detained in the cab, and the female victim was pulled into the car and gang-raped. The criminals inserted iron rods into the female victim's vagina and anus. The female victim suffered severe trauma to her body. Her abdomen, intestines and genitals were attacked or even pierced by iron rods.

The violence lasted about an hour before the assailant threw the two out of the moving car. Thirteen days after the incident, the female victim died due to ineffective rescue. One of the juvenile offenders was only sentenced to three years in prison.

The cruelty of this matter is that I can't read this news a second time at all. The film "A Mother's Revenge" tells a story of revenge for a mother, but it does not discuss deeply social issues. If you are interested in this case, I recommend you to watch the BBC documentary "India's Daughter", and Netflix's "Delhi Crime" adapted from this case, which exposes the current situation of women in India and the social problems existing in India.

"In India, on average, a violent crime against women occurs every 3 minutes, and a rape occurs every 22 minutes. India is also one of the countries with the highest number of acid attacks in the world, and 85% of the victims are women."

Zhang Xinyu and Liang Hong's documentary "Our Couple's Journey"

In 2017, I visited a non-profit organization called Let Love Be Harmless in Delhi, the capital of India.

At the age of 14, she was splashed with acid by a government official. She chose to resort to the law. She is now in her fifties, and the lawsuit is still going on, and this government official is still a government official...

Because she found out that her husband was having an affair, how did she get treated by her husband before she was doused with sulfuric acid.

As was the case in "Slap," these people don't think they're wrong. I don't know how to make a mistake.

The judiciary turns a blind eye to domestic violence and does not receive the protection the law deserves

"Many women who were thrown with acid like me chose to commit suicide" not only destroys a woman's appearance, but also destroys a person's wrong notions wholeheartedly, so that people who were originally victims also suffer from discrimination.

"In India, the youngest bride is only 10 months old, and she is married to a man much older than her, which is called child marriage. About every three seconds, an underage girl is married, and the whole world is married for a year. To produce ten million young wives."

The Lvxing team went to visit the child marriage prevention agency again

The couple's team interviewed several girls

When I started writing this article, sorting out these materials, and watching these news and videos again, I was still very, very sad. How difficult it is to live as a woman in this patriarchal country where rape, domestic violence, child marriage, and abandonment of baby girls are frequent issues. In India, not only are men unaware of these problems, women are also on the same front as men because they have been poisoned by these concepts for a long time. But fortunately, there are more and more educated people who have received correct values ​​like the heroine in the films "Slap in the Face" and "Four Cups Please". These awakened women are protesting and fighting for what should belong to them. Their rights and respect are also awakening people's awareness of equality.

In some other countries except India, women are banned from most occupations, high heels, driving, driving without male relatives, showing body parts other than eyes, etc…

And these places are much stronger than women in China. Every country has its own social problems that it should face. Fighting for their own rights and setting an example for women in other countries is what Chinese women are trying to do.

"Li Yinhe: My Social Observations":

Patriarchy is neither "natural" nor eternal, it is artificially constructed and can be changed.

This is a statue work in a park in Xiamen. This work uses the most prominent organs of men and women to represent men and women. Many things in the world are like the two ends of an hourglass, changing to each other at a specific time, and starting again and again. Neither of the sexes is necessarily superior to the other. Heaven and earth, if there is no reference to define it, who can deny that the earth is above and the sky is below. Both sides can be positive, or you can look at it flat, gender equality.

Gender role stereotypes are the oppression of men and women, such as the definition of men: masculinity, responsibility, courage, self-confidence, wealth... Breaking the definition of gender is also the pressure to liberate men.

Controversial new civil code marriage regulations

The regulations on divorce in the new Civil Code, which will be implemented from next year, have been on the hot search several times. One of them stipulates that: within 30 days after the expiration of the cooling-off period for divorce, the two parties have not jointly applied to the marriage registration authority for the issuance of a divorce certificate. , it shall be deemed that the application for divorce registration has been withdrawn. That is to say, the divorce has to go to the relevant department to apply together, and when the certificate is obtained, it must be taken together, otherwise, it will be impossible to leave. If you want to get divorced unilaterally, you can only get divorce by lawsuit. The necessary condition for divorce is that you have been separated for more than one year.

So far, women are still the weaker party in marriage, and domestic violence often happens to women. Divorce is an effective way to combat domestic violence. (Domestic violence can file for divorce without cooling-off period)

What is the purpose of the "cooling-off period" and other regulations? Increase the declining marriage rate? I'm afraid these regulations will only make those who want to get married dare not enter, and those who want to come out will not come out. There are many reasons for the low marriage rate, but not getting married is not necessarily a bad thing.

Falling marriage and fertility rates are a wake-up call for women

Marriage is no longer the only choice for women, as 49-year-old Yu Feihong said in the "Sounding Threesome" program in 2018, "Single or marriage is not a multiple-choice question for me, I think which is more comfortable is in the which stage."

Today's China is an era of hard work, and most jobs no longer need to rely on heavy manual labor to make money. Men are no longer superior to women at work, which means that I can do the work you can do, with equal pay for equal work.

Financially relying on men's married life has become one of the options for women's life, and many women's independent quality of life is even higher than married life. When 1+1 is not necessarily greater than 2, then why did I choose to do this addition. So why do women have to get married?

"Women who haven't had children are incomplete", "Motherhood is a woman's duty", "Giving a woman a womb is for reproduction" Stop fooling the educated women of the new age with these nonsense, they don't eat your shit . The uterus belongs to each woman, and she has the right to decide whether to have children or not. The awakening of female consciousness is actually a sign of social progress, and respect for the free will of each individual is also social progress. This is a problem that social progress must face and a process that must be experienced.

Social Causes

Increasing marriage and fertility rates requires the whole society to provide more support for young people in education, employment, housing, vacation, social security, etc.

When dealing with today's young people's concept of marriage, it is necessary to respect diversity (legalization of same-sex marriage) and individualized personal choices, give young people more room for choice, and be tolerant of young people's views on marriage and love.

If you want to get a positive feedback in anything, you need to pay attention to methods and methods. Forcibly using the law to bind two people may be counterproductive. It may increase social instability and may even increase the probability of criminal cases between husband and wife.

Finally, apply the words of Li Yinhe to end:

"The change of personal choice refers to the change from everyone choosing marriage to some people choosing to live a single life. If you want to choose marriage at all, you can try your luck (love often depends on luck), or you can downgrade it; if you If you don’t necessarily choose marriage, then don’t be bothered by outdated names such as “leftover women” and enjoy a colorful life by yourself.”

The curved subtitle group is the first

Gender equality | Women's awareness of equality has been awakened

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  • Amrita Sabharwal: Everyone says, "it's just a slap". You know what that slap did ? Suddenly i became aware of all the unfair things... i had learned to accept. What's expected of me is that i move on from the unfair.

  • Subodh: Does she have a real case for divorce ? When you're truly in love, a little physical aggression is an expression of love.