A life of chaos at war

Ewald 2022-03-15 09:01:04

A life of chaos at war

Text | A lot of blue clouds


One dies, leaving three to collapse.

The closer you get to the truth, the more absurd it becomes.

1. The Lord has the power of final judgment, not man!

Every time I see Muslims in the Middle East killing each other because of their different sects. Even further, such as the Crusades that lasted for more than two hundred years more than a thousand years ago, Christians slaughtered Muslims. The Middle East, a paradise chosen by God, intermittently, partially transformed into a human hell.

Based on the profound meaning of religion, I don't dare to talk about it because of my shallowness. But I would say Judaism, Christianity and Islam, even the divisions within each denomination. It is understandable that each sect firmly believes that it is the closest to the Lord.

Regrettably and even infuriatingly, each sect has a strong desire to correct other people's delusions, which is a bit loathsome. The way of correction is to use peaceful preaching. But even more extreme, violent means, coercion, slaughter, nominally to bring the infidels to justice.

However, that kind of inhumane cruel treatment. It can only be said that in the name of the Lord, selfish desires.

As the Qur'an says: "There is no compulsion in faith; for the right and the wrong are indeed distinguished." (2:256)

Therefore, we believe in our own religion. As for which is the most orthodox and correct, everything is at the discretion of the Lord, who is omniscient and omnipotent. We only have the right to preach and guide.

The final judgment is the Lord's decision.

Second, the son and the executioner, who is to blame?

When the guns of war sound, there are no winners.

In the capital market, the greed of human nature will be vividly displayed; in the world of war, the fragility and helplessness of human nature will be particularly magnified. In times of peace, we never need to call for war. Perhaps, you think that the war is a reshuffle of your identity, and it will make you a superior you.

We can't be sure of this. What we can be sure of is that the process that must be passed before you can be achieved is to make you destitute first.

"The City of Scorched Earth" shows that in the specific environment of war, the degree of torn between different religions reaches the extreme, the fate of the little people is completely dominated, and the pure city of God becomes filthy.

Looking for the child, the child who is longing for it turned out to be the murderer who abused him. The moment he found the child, his mental breakdown, like a deflated ball, gradually passed away.

I can't hate the murderer; I'm saddened by the story.

A killer trained since childhood. How much an abandoned baby can absorb in the face of a completely opposite high religion, he can only protest his own existence in a sadistic way. However, the brutality of the war allowed him to abuse those closest to him.

It's war, hateful war. If he can't be a son or a father, he can only be a victim of a war of disloyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and injustice.

As for the mother's will, she hopes that the twins will find the truth, about the elder brother and about the father. Although she hoped that the truth would shine in the sun, she was so shocked when she learned the truth that she slowly died of illness. She buried the soil and insisted that the three people who were alive were disturbed.

It is right, it is wrong. It's a matter of opinion.

The lyrics at the opening of "Scorched Earth City" sent chills down my spine and shivered. If you are interested, don't look for any analysis first, and feel every frame of the picture with your heart. After watching the whole movie, you will fall into a deep depression.

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