"The Babies": The topic is worth paying attention to, but the form is too easy to cause controversy

Tod 2022-09-05 18:43:50

The English name of the film is Cuities, and it has become the film with the largest gap between critics and audiences on Rotten Tomatoes this year. Because of the controversy caused by this film, Netflix has canceled 8 times the number of users since the film was launched! 600,000 people signed a petition on change.org to remove the film from Netflix. A movie has provoked major parent associations, Republicans, Muslim-Simlin organizations, and child protection organizations. All walks of life have strongly condemned it, and the controversy is still very large.

I've seen the film and want to talk about its problems

1) The intention of the director of this film is actually good intentions. I hope everyone pays attention to the influence of the younger generation by the Internet and bad film and television content, which causes them to make some inappropriate actions prematurely.

The heroine's experience is a testament to how much sexually suggestive, sexually-provocative content in the media affects young girls.

The heroine is an 11-year-old girl. She just watched the neighbors' revealing clothes, bold words and deeds, and the explicit dances and MVs on the Internet, and followed them. She didn't know what she was doing or her behavior. The implications and dangers, because she is still too young.

A particularly sad episode is that the heroine, as an 11-year-old girl, is actually learning this kind of dance, and after reading too many sexually suggestive content, she begins to learn to take off-clothes to seduce men and escape the responsibility of stealing things. . That's what all parents worry about the most, right?

Just imagine that if the man is not a good person, the little girl will be taken advantage of. This film will definitely let you see that a lot of dangers are brought by the girls themselves, but the people around (the men in the film) are not bad people, so there is no real problem, but the girl's own behavior is really unacceptable. It's not too much for Wh-ore.

The film hopes to draw attention to the harm done to children by dance competitions for young children, sexually suggestive music videos and performances, and bad influences on social networks. I hope parents and society will pay attention.

2) But the problem with this film is that it shows too many children's provocative dance moves and close-up shots of the body, such as shaking the hips, lying on the ground, adding fingers, showing the lower body, these contents are in the film Presented frequently, carefully, and intuitively, it feels a little too much and unnecessary. In fact, you can click on it.

3) Another question is, the problem mentioned in this film, in fact, parents know, is it necessary to make such a film to warn parents again in such an intuitive way? Anyone who has given birth to a girl is terrified enough to be really desperate after watching this film.

Most parents feel that this film is completely unnecessary and excusable. From the title to the previous posters, to the excessive and inappropriate content inside, it is easy for people to misunderstand this film, and more of it becomes a robbery. Eyeballs, not education. Maybe a documentary or a journalistic investigative film would be more appropriate.

For example, the previous Oscar-winning "Spotlight" (Spotlight) involved young children being sexually assaulted by religious people, but did not intuitively display any unsightly content related to children, but presented the children's growth The queen's description of the incident, showing the process of investigation, and restoring the incident through journalists, the actual effect is the same, so that parents do not easily trust other people and protect their children. This is a good example. And "Cuties" turned a cautionary tale into a child poxn, which is regrettable.

So the same theme, which angle to choose is very important. The actors of "Cuties" are all around 11-year-olds. It is really inappropriate and unnecessary for them to perform those actions. It is easier to attract people who should not be attracted, such as pedophiles.

After all, this film was made for parents to watch, but in the end, most parents did not support it, which can be said to be a typical failure.

But I agree with the content of this film. At present, too many female singer MVs, including Europe and the United States, Latin America, Japan and South Korea, have too much content that has adverse effects on young children, and social networks make it impossible for these content to be rated. It is easy to be spread to the eyes of children around 10 years old, and it should indeed arouse social attention.

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