According to some people's logic to oppose pedophilia, it is necessary to shoot children's AV, right?

Thora 2022-09-05 18:15:35

I just saw the stills, I want to say that the director of Netflix is ​​crazy, and I saw the film review and said that this is a satire of this social phenomenon, which means that if the director wants to make a film against satirical pedophiles, he has to go Shooting children's AV? Saying pedophiles are scum while filming?

Think about it from another perspective, if it is your daughter, let her go to make a movie, and the director asks her to do various adult poses, would you like it? Do you still think this is a satirical movie?

Taking a step back, even if the director really wants to make a satirical movie, it can only mean that the director is rubbish, and he can't think of a better shooting method. It can only be said that, fortunately, the director did not make an anti-pedophile movie.

Take a look at the stills after washing the floor (I will not attach the picture), if you still feel that the director is criticizing this kind of unhealthy atmosphere in reality, then I suggest that you can take your daughter's legs and dig her body when she is 6 or 7 years old. Photos, and then posted online for everyone to criticize together

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