Five stars for me (and no

Lottie 2022-09-05 23:54:05

I saw someone in the comments saying this is a pedophile movie, I don't think you understand it. First of all, what the film itself criticizes is the hypersexualisation (sexualization/objectification) phenomenon of pre-adolescent girls (pre-adolescent girls) in contemporary society.

I spent my adolescence in Europe, and I can feel that Europeans are more open to sex than domestic ones. The dress style and way of doing things of European teenagers shown in the film are actually relatively accurate. Watching this movie is like going back to the intrigue in middle school?

What the film wants to express is not the brainless propaganda and praise of the European open and free culture, but to discuss the contradictions of this culture - the objectification of women, and its collision and conflict with traditional culture. The protagonist, amy, did not finally compromise on one of the two sides, but found her own balance.

If you're willing to do some background checks on the film, you'll know that director Maïmouna Doucouré is a black woman born and raised in Paris, and the film is tied to her past childhood in Paris.

As a "foreigner/refugee", the desire to integrate into European culture; the desire to integrate into the cool girls in school; the desire to be recognized by peers; the desire to dance; the rebellious impulse of being a teenager. The film wants to express not only the contradiction between European culture and traditional Muslim culture, but also the protagonist's doubts about his own identity and the answers he finally finds.

Perhaps the film's expressive ability is not mature enough to fully reflect its criticism and discussion of the objectification and sexualization of children/teens and social media, but many details can still be seen in the film.

This movie is definitely not a pedophile movie. I think it's very realistic as a teen movie, and it's excellent. Especially the little actors in the movie, their acting skills are very good, Amy's ignorant girly feeling is very good, and the little girl who plays Angie shows the irritable emotions of adolescence to the fullest. Just looking at that, this movie is more than one star.

My ability to express is not very good. This is the first time I write a long review, but I hope you can watch the movie with your heart and mind. Don't think the director is a pedophile when you see the scene of the little girl dancing.


Supplement September 28

I also said that the director's intentions are good, but his ability to express is not very mature. 5 stars is an exaggeration, it doesn't mean that I really think it is a 5 star work, this movie is far from 5 stars. I really didn't expect so many comments, everyone is welcome to discuss rationally.

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