The ending still feels a bit

Wava 2022-03-17 09:01:04

At noon, I finally watched "30 days of night" with Ah Wu. In fact, I can't figure out if it is a zombie or a vampire, or a combination of the two. The story has not changed much, but the setting is good. In a small town in the Arctic, there are 30 days of polar nights every year. Unfortunately, at the beginning of these 30 days, such a group of zombies appeared. Or vampire stuff, murderous, bloodthirsty. But the change is that they are all conscious, have a leader, and have verbal communication. Unlike the previous ones, they are disorganized and undisciplined, just a group of monsters based on feeling. Moreover, the action is fast, and I like to drag a distance before killing people. It's really... It's a
bit funny how you look at it. Although the bloody violence is still less, it seems that there is no sexual element, and any sexy shots are considered. Breakthrough? There is a female ghost, I don't know the temperature of dozens of degrees below zero, wearing a short dress should not be sexy.
According to the rules, there will always be someone alive in the end. If you follow the rules, at least the damned ones will die in about 30 minutes. Yes, in the end, there should be very few people who escaped death besides the hero and heroine. These are all.
However, there are some places where it shines like gold. For example, when everyone was hiding, the white-haired uncle had to leave, and then his son went out to look for it. The heroine resented that she couldn't stop the latter, and the hero told her that when anyone's family was in danger, they couldn't blocked. Just like at the end of the film, when a woman is facing death, the man resolutely turns into a blood-sucking zombie, and then saves the woman in a conscious state.
The 30-day polar night is about to disappear, and when dawn is about to appear, the man who has become a zombie looks at the woman sadly, and says to himself, should we go with them? But in the end, he still chose to stay. For that promise, he spent the last moments of his life watching the gorgeous sunrise after the polar night with the woman he loved, and then, a little bit, endured great pain and turned to ashes.
The ending is still very touching and sensational at a critical moment. These are always enough. But, that sunrise is really beautiful. Because life is gorgeous at the end. I suddenly remembered that there are no love words in the film. Before the man and the woman, he even said I love you. But that love is so profound. Or sometimes, a look, a concerned action, is enough.

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Extended Reading

30 Days of Night quotes

  • Stella Oleson: I should have fought harder, kept Wilson here.

    Sheriff Eben Oleson: It's hard to stop someone when their family's at stake. The things you'll do to save your own.

    Stella Oleson: We were like that once... weren't we?

  • Sheriff Eben Oleson: [upon finding Beau working on his truck] Got a problem?

    Beau Brower: Nothing I can't handle my own fucking self.

    [Eben sees oil leaking from his truck]

    Sheriff Eben Oleson: This for generators?

    Beau Brower: Yeah. Yeah, mostly.

    Sheriff Eben Oleson: Well, Beau, I'm going to have to cite you for it. I can't have it leaking all over the street.

    Beau Brower: What? For that? You don't... you don't have to cite me. You don't have to do anything. Isn't that why we live out here? You know, for a little freedom?

    Sheriff Eben Oleson: [handing Beau the citation] Happy motoring.