A journey to regain dignity

Isabel 2022-03-18 09:01:02

At first, I also scolded the translated name, thinking that the name of this film is really insulting! It is estimated that the director can read this translated name in Chinese, and his face will cramp. Because when I read this translation, I looked at it with the mentality of a summer blockbuster, plus that charming poster. And start the immediate battle. I think it will be a visual blockbuster with a small person breaking out, one person picking ten people. The translation of "Duel Yuma Town" has the word "duel" in it, but except for the first time when the car was grabbed, the scene between the horse thief and the escort was a duel. , the strength gap between the enemy and us is huge... As for "Yuma Town", the translation is even more outrageous.
This film takes the line of dual protagonists, and handles both characters very well. I think the two protagonists can be divided into the outer world and the inner world like "Silent Hill".
Let's talk about the unlucky Dan first. Dan is a veteran who has fought heroically and was wounded, and has won medals. He has a good marksmanship and can shoot a hare 50 feet away... Because of the environment and personality Because the family was so poor that they couldn't even eat, the family had gradually started to despise him because of his incompetence. In fact, Dan was a soldier, but never fought. His leg injury was accidentally injured by his own people when the troops were retreating. He is good at shooting, but he has only shot small animals, but he has never killed anyone "seriously". (From his The performance of being attacked by Indians in the canyon is too tender with Wade) escort trip, money is second, and the most important thing is to hope to establish a tall and reliable image of the head of the family.
Wade looks like a thief who does all kinds of evil. In fact, he yearns to live an ordinary life. He told the bar owner that he hoped she could go to Mexico with him and live a peaceful life. With Dan and Dan His wife's dialogue can be seen, he will become a thief because he has an alcoholic father who can die in a bar for a glass of wine, and a mother who leaves the child at the station to die. Wade can't say that he is robbing the rich to help the poor, but he is very sympathetic and reasonable. For Dan's compensation, Dan agreed to his demands one by one, and asked him what else he needed? I am also very sympathetic to the old and weak women and children who died innocently. I feel like a Liangshan hero. Like Dan's son said "You're not all bad"
The story develops to the end, to the station. It seemed strange at first, but Dan was desperate to continue the project of building a strong father's image. Why did Weide suddenly change his personality and stop running. Wishful thinking and Dan rushed to the station with bullets? Later, I thought that maybe Weide had always hoped to have a father like Dan, not the old bean who could die for whisky. At the same time, he also hoped that he could become such a person. When Dan proposed to him Such a request, I hope to be like a man in front of his children, he has been a coward all his life! He agreed to Dan, but in the end, Dan was killed by his followers, and in a rage, he killed all his "own people". There are a lot of dialogues and plots in the film that can make people ponder carefully. Dan's views on the government's $199 supplementary money, the old guard who murdered people with a benevolent mouth and a morality, and the gangster who burned the Dan's Valley property, heroic. The veterinarian, Dan's eldest son, the three fastest police elites who are greedy for life and fear of death and collectively surrendered and finally died~......

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Extended Reading

3:10 to Yuma quotes

  • Dan Evans: What did Doc Potter give his life for, William? McElroy...

    Ben Wade: Little red ants on a hill.

    Butterfield: I'll pay you the 200, Dan. Right now. And you can walk away.

    Dan Evans: You know, this whole ride... it's been egging on me. That's what the government gave me for my leg - 198 dollars 36 cents and the funny thing is that... when you think about it, which I have been lately, is they weren't paying me to walk away, they were paying me so they could walk away.

    Ben Wade: Don't muddy the past in the present, Dan.

    Dan Evans: No... Wade, I'm seeing the world the way it is.

  • Charlie Prince: For a one-leg rancher... he's one tough son of a bitch.

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