A crossover between fairy tales and reality~

Monroe 2022-03-16 09:01:03

Going to see this movie for Mr.Greaming, I didn't have any expectations, but the whole movie feels ok. Anyway, it's also produced by Disney, i am a big girl~i trust disney.
Real people are too boring and busy , why don't you call the princess' song and dance farce to relax. The princess travel part of the whole song and dance drama gives people a relaxed feeling. I haven't tried this kind of coziness for a long time. It's very comfortable~ The
unexpected ending changed my usual thinking - the prince and the princess are A natural couple~The prince and the princess live a happy and happy life. Unexpectedly, the ending is that Mr.Greaming smashed the prince's wall and robbed the princess. The prince took Mr.Greaming's fiancee to the fairy tale world. It's amazing writer. the original may not be the prince princess destined other half, life is not telling us is true? we encourage epistemic? do not try, you never know which is best? always felt a break with tradition or not.
fairy tale, although It's beautiful, but she will wake up eventually, so Mr.Greaming doesn't want her daughter to believe in fairy tales. "Dreams do come true and maybe something wonderful will happen." This is the biggest truth that the princess taught us. Believe in dreams, and dreams can come true! Our reality Need fairy tales!

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Enchanted quotes

  • Robert: So, what's the deal with this prince of yours? How long you been together?

    Giselle: [wistfully] Oh, about a day.

    Robert: You mean it feels like a day because you're so in love.

    Giselle: No, it's been a day.

    Robert: You're kidding me. A day? One day?

    Giselle: Yes.

    [wistful again]

    Giselle: And tomorrow it will be two days.

    Robert: You're joking.

    Giselle: No. I'm not.

    Robert: Yeah, you are.

    Giselle: But I'm not.

    Robert: You're gonna marry somebody after a day? Because you fell in love with him?

    Giselle: Yes.


    Giselle: Yes!

    Robert: [laughs as she drags him away]

  • Giselle: What about you? How long have you known your Nancy?

    Robert: Uh, five years.

    Giselle: And you haven't proposed?

    Robert: Well, no, I...

    Giselle: Well no wonder she's angry.

    Robert: Well...