Thoughts on the enlightenment of Dorothy’s experience in "The Wizard of Oz" and the propositions about growth that it triggered

Michaela 2022-03-20 09:01:09

The story tells the story of the protagonist Dorothy talking back to her aunt and ran away with the puppy Toto, only to encounter a tornado and be confused by the wind from Kansas to Oz. During this experience in the country of Oz, Dorothy met the brainless scarecrow, the heartless tin man, and the cowardly lion. They accompanied all the way and embarked on the yellow brick road in order to realize their respective wishes. It's a fantasy adventure.


The following are three thoughts that I triggered after watching the movie:

1. The yellow brick road symbolizes growth~please think more and think less blindly

Since Dorothy embarked on a journey to find a magician in the kingdom of Oz, the yellow brick road has become her "compass" along the way, and also a "through line" of the twists and turns of this journey.

On the way, she admired different scenery: passing by cornfields, orchards, forests, and poppy fields;

I also made three good friends who share weal and woe: Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion;

On the way, I have experienced repeated ordeals with my companions: from escaping from the furious fruit tree to avoiding the torches of the witch, from resisting the poisonous gas of poppies to the desperate struggle in the castle, all were difficult and thrilling.

However, when counted down, this yellow brick road is more like a microcosm of our growth process? I would like to ask, who does not experience a few colorful scenery, make a few friends who are in the same boat, experience several hardships that have gone through thousands of sails, and finally grow into the hope in his heart?

Since we are talking about growth, setting up a firm life goal, not being confused, not blindly obeying, and moving toward this clear goal is a key key to our growth journey; in the film, Dorothy and her friends have the guidance of the North Maiden, always It reminds them that "the road to realize their wishes is this always dazzling, golden and brilliant yellow brick road." But not everyone in life can meet the Northern Maiden, and not everyone has such a person who will pave the way for you and point you in the direction.

So back to reality, should we stop and think carefully about this yellow brick road in our lives? Thinking about what it is? Where is it? Has it already appeared? Are you waiting somewhere silently to be discovered by you? It is in the bottom of your heart, that firm belief in realizing your ideals? Or do you keep your feet on the ground every day, the cherishment of "living in the moment"?

I think everyone will have their own answers. Of course, the answer is not the focus of our discussion, but triggers thinking about our own life and awakens a bit of reflection on our own life. This is the process!

2. The realization of wishes ~ witnessed the transformation of growth

The scarecrow is made of grass, so it lacks a brain, so it calms down in the inferiority that lacks the brain and is not smart enough. It feels that it is laughed at by the crows and feels inferior. So having a smart brain is its lifelong wish.

Although the Tin Man has a hard shell, he is also troubled by his empty cold hard shell but lack of a hot heart; the rusty shell can be solved with lubricant, but without a heart, it cannot make up for wanting to love someone. This kind of lack of it, it is brooding about it, so it has become its lifelong wish to have a beating heart.

The "king of beasts" lion with fierce appearance and burly posture is actually vain. His heart is extremely timid, and he has been living in the psychological fear of "cowards". This fear makes it unable to sleep peacefully and is exhausted. So gaining courage has become the lifelong wish of the cowardly lion.

Compared with these friends who are inherently lacking, Dorothy is lucky. She has no physical defects. She has a beautiful face, a sound body, surpasses ordinary people's bravery, kindness and wisdom, and can grow on the road. It will not be so smooth sailing, just like if she is not blown into Oz by the wind and stays away from her relatives, she will not be afraid of losing the "warmth of home" that she originally had at their fingertips, because people often know how to cherish when they are lost. , So her wish is to go home as soon as possible.

But after watching the film, we will find that even though the Scarecrow has no brains, it is not stupid than those "smart people". Facts have proved that it rescues its friends from danger time and time again through its own wisdom; neither is the Tin Man. Because there is no heart, I really want to be as cold and unforgiving as his body. At least it will accompany Dorothy and her friends all the way, sharing weal and woe with them; even though the cowardly lion's heart is as timid as a mouse and terrified, it is still struggling. Out of the pace of her own adventure, she overcame her inner fears time and time again; after the loss, Dorothy finally realized the value of her "family" and knew how to cherish it.

The friends finally got their wish and "realized" their wishes! And the process of fulfilling this wish is actually a process of confusion, cognition, acceptance, breakthrough and final growth and transformation of oneself.

3. Seeing is not necessarily believing ~ learn to feel with your heart

People always think that what we see in front of us must be the truth, but as everyone knows, what we see may only be the appearance of things, or one side of it.

Take the Scarecrow, for example. It is made of grass. It is reasonable to have no brain. Therefore, people will not associate it with intelligence. After all, how can a person without a brain be smart?

Another example is the Tin Man, who is made of steel, not human flesh and blood, not to mention having a hot human heart, even if it has, it can only be a mechanical heart... It has no temperature, how can you experience it? Love?

And we always think that the lion is the king of the beasts...because it is burly and full of the nature of beasts, so we have one-sidedly used terms such as majesty, bravery and unyielding to make a conclusion on it.

But is the fact really as we see it? The answer is no, and on the contrary...because what we see with the naked eye is only their appearance...

Even if it is all straw, it does not delay having wisdom; even if it is hard and cold in appearance, it can hold the heart of a benevolent lover; even a mighty lion has a fragile and cowardly side; after all, there is no rule that wisdom must be Through innate advantages, it can also be compensated by acquired; to measure whether a person is caring, it is not how many people he cares for, but how many people care for him; the appearance of fierceness does not necessarily mean that the heart is fierce, for the same reason , Even if it is a lion, please allow it to be fragile and timid.

It's like we are always habitually biased towards things in our lives: we habitually think that students with poor grades must behave badly, that the poor must be unqualified, and that they look fierce. It must be a bad guy...

You know, there is no absolute black and white, and what you see with the naked eye is definitely not the essence of things. We should learn to see the world with our hearts...

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The Wizard of Oz quotes

  • The Scarecrow: Oh, oh, what's happening, what is it? I can't run anymore. Oh, I'm so sleepy...

    The Scarecrow: Here, give us your hands and we'll pull you along!

    Dorothy: Oh no no, please, I have to rest for just a minute. Toto, where's Toto?

    [she falls down, asleep]

    The Scarecrow: Oh you can't rest now, we're nearly there!

    [Tin Man starts crying]

    The Scarecrow: Don't cry! You'll rust yourself again!

    The Cowardly Lion: Come to think of it, forty winks wouldn't be bad...

    [he sags]

    The Scarecrow: [trying to hold him up] Don't you start too!

    The Tin Man: [grabbing him] No! We'd better try and carry Dorothy!

    The Scarecrow: I don't think I could... but we could try!

    The Tin Man: Let's!

    The Scarecrow: Yes!

    [the lion collapses]

    The Tin Man: Oh, now look at him! This is terrible!

    The Scarecrow: Here, Tin Man, help me!

    [they tug at Dorothy]

    The Scarecrow: Oh, this is terrible! Can't budge her an inch! This is a spell, this is!

    The Tin Man: It's the Wicked Witch! What'll we do? Help! HELP!

    The Scarecrow: It's no use screaming at a time like this! Nobody will hear you!... Help, HEEEEELLLLP!

  • The Wizard of Oz: They have one thing you haven't got: a diploma. Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Universitartus Committiartum E Pluribus Unum, I hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of ThD.

    The Scarecrow: ThD?

    The Wizard of Oz: That's... Doctor of Thinkology.