A magical epic drama with a more female perspective than Game of Thrones

Keagan 2022-10-26 12:13:57

The heroine is the growth history of Long Ma, who is committed to becoming a nun, is like Erya's assassin's growth history, the weeping monk saves the squirrel, and the hound protects Aya and Theon protects Sansa.

One is multiple families fighting for the Iron Throne, the other is multiple kings fighting for the sword

The Curse of Destiny's female theme is more obvious. The key plot pushes are mostly women. Whether it's the political level to confuse the royal lineage for the queen who sits behind the curtain, or the religious level to kill the heroine for the nun who joined the church (of course, the heroine will still be there in the next season) or The expelled people in the ice tribe killed the princess of the ice tribe, another princess instigated the king of the ice tribe to kill the heroine, and the widow became the best friend of the widow number two.

A magical epic drama with a more female perspective

As long as you hold a sword, you will be bloodthirsty, power, and power will corrode people's hearts regardless of gender. It is a kind of progress. Finally, women are not placed in the holy shrine where the hope of redemption is placed.

In the face of the evil spirit, the giant wolf, the monk in red, who is absolutely stronger than herself, the heroine can cast a spell and have the courage to save herself.

The heroine faces the stalking rogue soldiers and kicks the close relatives of human beings, wielding swords and chopping hands to establish majesty and maintain order

She has gradually grown from a healer to a ruler, from a bullied child to a leader with loyal followers, best friend, neighbor, brother, boyfriend, a widow II who is willing to benefit the Fei clan, and runs through the dream of a knight to Arthur, who maintains the Queen's mission

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